Dr. Anne RimoinVerifizierter Account


Epidemiologist, Virus Hunter, Professor . Director, UCLA Center for Global & Immigrant Health. Science, 80’s movies/music and Boston Terriers.

Los Angeles or Kinshasa
Beigetreten Oktober 2008


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  1. Thousands of people packed into an indoor arena, likely with very few wearing masks, in a city that just had its highest case count... and signing a waiver not to sue if they contract . What could go wrong?🤦🏼‍♀️

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  2. The is fighting multiple epidemics and a pandemic at the same time. , , . Right now there are no flights in/out of the country, limited international support and difficulty importing supplies/reagents. It's a lot for one country to bear.

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  3. hat retweetet
    12. Juni

    Congratulations to the Class of 2020 – we can’t wait to see all that you’ll accomplish as you continue your public health journey! 👏 🎓✨

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  4. 12. Juni

    Just a reminder as we open up society- We all may be tired of the virus, but it's definitely not tired of us. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands.

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  5. 12. Juni

    Yesterday and I discussed how reopening Los Angeles will increase rates of community transmission. Now more than ever we need to be employing the well-worn tactics that we know make a difference: social distance, wear a mask, wash your hands!

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  6. 12. Juni

    Although prejudice and fear may be common reactions to outbreaks such as , they should not be seen as justifiable or even natural ones. Now is the time for solidarity, not slurs.

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  7. 11. Juni

    Summer is almost here. See my comments on staying cool and safe at the same time during a pandemic.

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  8. 10. Juni

    An important piece on the limitations of diagnostic testing.👇🏼 Here's the point: Testing is critical for reopening the country - but only if we can count on the results -and to date data on sensitivity for infection is not yet avaiable.

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  9. 9. Juni

    There is currently insufficient data to make a claim that asymptomatic transmission is rare - and adds to the confusion about pre-symptomatic and truly asymptomatic. The statement was misleading and it's appropriate that it was walked back.

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  10. 9. Juni

    Given all of this - it seems that there is currently insufficient data to make a claim that asymptomatic transmission is rare - and adds to the confusion about pre-symptomatic and truly asymptomatic. The statement was misleading and it's appropraite that it was retracted. 8/8

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  11. 9. Juni

    Here's what we do know - people without current symptoms may be infectious and there is no way of knowing if they are pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic until after the fact. So the bottom line is - wear a mask, act like you have it, and keep your droplets to yourself.7/8

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  12. 9. Juni

    Given the lack of data, at this point, it seems premature for to be making claims that asymptomatic transmission is rare - and doesn't really change anything. 6/8

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  13. 9. Juni

    There are many diseases out there - eg measles - where people are infectious BEFORE they start exhibiting symptoms - and this appears to be the case with - which is one of the many reasons that is so hard to control 5/ 8

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  14. 9. Juni

    If asymptomatic transmission is indeed rare - that could have an impact on how we monitor people and how long they quarantine -but otherwise it seems just an academic categorization- that has no practical importance at this point. 4/8

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  15. 9. Juni

    Furthermore - as we have seen with and other diseases - sometimes people don't realize they have symptoms - especially if they are very mild - so distinguishing asymptomatic - minimally symptomatic and presymptomatic states can be difficult.3/ 8

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  16. 9. Juni

    Data is still scant- but from what does exist -it seems that people who never develop symptoms may not be responsible for significant transmission. The problem is that there are few studies out there and due to poor testing, tracing + reporting, it's hard to quantify. 2/8

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  17. 9. Juni

    The statement that infection is rare was very confusing to many. It was now being walked back. Here's the deal: There's a difference between asymptomatic (never develop symptoms) and pre-symptomatic (haven't yet developed symptoms yet but later have them ). 1/8

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  18. hat retweetet
    9. Juni

    Genetic sequencing from new cases in Équateur shows that the outbreak is not linked to North Kivu or to the 2018 Équateur outbreak. Investigations are ongoing to understand source, but likely a new introduction from an animal reservoir.

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  19. 9. Juni

    All epidemiology is local...All epidemiology is local. How transmits, where it strikes most severely, and what conditions most favor its spread are questions best understood locality by locality, community by community, not at the level of continents or even countries.

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  20. 9. Juni

    I have gotten many questions about the statement from re: rare infection. Here's the deal: there are not enough data. We need good prospective studies. Until we do - we all still need to , and wear .

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