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Image for Tell Amazon: Stop facial recognition surveillance sales NOW

Tell Amazon: Stop facial recognition surveillance sales NOW

While Amazon has been tweeting in solidarity with the Black community, they’ve continued selling facial recognition surveillance technology that’s contributed to over-policing of communities of color. Take action.
Image for Tips for protest safety during the pandemic

Tips for protest safety during the pandemic

Are you considering attending one of the ongoing protests against racial injustice? OpenMedia has put together tips on doing so as safely and securely as you can.
Image for Say NO to the FCC Speech Police

Say NO to the FCC Speech Police

President Trump has signed an executive order that would make Ajit Pai’s FCC the central rule-maker for what kinds of content appear on the Internet. But we can stop this! Sign the petition now.
Image for The HEROES Act: A generational opportunity to connect America!

The HEROES Act: A generational opportunity to connect America!

Use our tool to send a message to your senators calling on them to stand up for the American public and universal broadband access by voting in favor of the HEROES Act.

National coalition calls for universal affordable Internet access

COVID-19 highlights the need for governments to act urgently to provide high-speed Internet to every household in Canada

CCTS mid-year complaints report shows disconnect between regulations and customer needs

Majority of complaints filed to the CCTS relate to issues not appropriately regulated by Internet and Wireless codes
Image for Get Canada Connected

Get Canada Connected

As schools, workplaces, stores, government services and community events move online, a whopping 59% of rural households across Canada still don’t have access to reliable high-speed Internet. Let’s change that!
Image for COVID-19 and your privacy: bringing your voices to decision-makers

COVID-19 and your privacy: bringing your voices to decision-makers

Will our government promise to follow strict privacy principles if they move ahead with contact tracing? It may well be possible - but they still need to hear from you.
Image for You saved the .ORG domain!

You saved the .ORG domain!

The OpenMedia community rallied together and helped save the .ORG domain registry from being sold to a private equity firm, protecting the interests of non-profits and charities. 

Canadian government commits to expediting rural broadband development

Internet has been a critical lifeline throughout COVID-19, but many in rural Canada are being left behind.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.

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