How to save a Periscope broadcast

How do I save my broadcast to my device?

To save a copy of all your broadcasts by default to your device:

  1. Navigate to the People Tab.
  2. Tap the profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. From your profile page, tap Settings.
  4. Turn on Auto-Save to Camera Roll.

To save an individual broadcast immediately after it has ended:

  • On iOS, tap Save to Camera Roll after ending a broadcast to download the video stream to your device.
  • On Android, tap Save to Gallery after ending a broadcast to download the video stream to your device.

Your broadcast should be available in your camera roll (iOS), gallery, or video app (depending on your Android device).

How long are broadcasts available?

You can choose whether to keep broadcasts indefinitely or automatically expire them after 24 hours.

If you would like your broadcasts to expire after 24 hours, you can go to Settings and select Auto Delete After 24hr. This will ensure that all future broadcasts automatically expire after 24 hours. If auto-delete is on, you will still be presented with the opportunity to save each broadcast after it ends. 

You can also delete your broadcasts, including those saved beyond 24 hours, at any time. 

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