How to view video analytics in Media Studio

We know how important it is to track the performance of your efforts on Twitter. There are three methods for viewing video analytics today: directly within the Media Studio library, using the Video Analytics Dashboard, or our new Business Manager (requires whitelisting).

How to view analytics for a particular video

  1. Click on a video within your Media Studio library.
  2. The metrics Video Views, Completion Rate, and Average Watch Time will be shown in the opened window.
  3. For more advanced analytics, click the More Analytics button.
  4. Select a date range using the filter at the top right (which defaults to a 7 day view).
  5. The window will now show the following metrics:
    1. Total Views
    2. Organic Views
    3. Promoted Views
    4. Video Completion Rate
    5. Average Watch Time
    6. Country of viewership
    7. Platform of viewership (iOS, Android, Web, etc.)
  6. Tip: Metrics are aggregated by video, not by Tweet. If you have Tweeted the same video multiple times, we add up all metrics across those Tweets within this view).

How to view high-level analytics for your account

  1. Click the Analytics dropdown within the top navigation bar.
  2. Click Video Analytics, which will open a new browser window.
  3. Use the date filter at the top-right of the page to specify the desired time range. Changing dates within this filter affects all data shown on the dashboard and exports.
  4. View various types of analytics:
    1. Top-level graph – shows data from all videos that have earned views during the set time range (not just those videos Tweeted during that time).
    2. Right-side graphs – shows data from all videos that have earned views during the set time range (not just those videos Tweeted during that time).
    3. Content list – shows data from all videos that have been Tweeted for the first time during the set time range.
  5. Export the information via the Export data button next to the date filter.
    Tip: use the downloaded .CSV file to calculate additional metrics as desired.

How to view analytics for multiple accounts with Business Manager

You must be whitelisted for Business Manager to follow the instructions below. Please reach out to your Twitter account manager for more information.

  1. Click the dropdown next to your name in the top-right corner.
  2. Click Business Manager.
  3. Click the Reports tab to create a new report (or download one that was previously-generated).
  4. Set a desired date range.
  5. Select the Publisher business report from the Report Type dropdown.
  6. Name the report.
  7. Select the desired accounts.
  8. Click Create new report.
  9. Download the .CSV file once it has completed generating. 


Analytics FAQs

Can I export video-level analytics from my library?

Yes. Click on a video in your library to open the media detail window. Then click the More analytics button to view advanced analytics. Then click the Export button that appears within that media detail window.

Business Manager FAQs

Can I set up a business myself?

No, your Twitter account manager will have to create the business. Before contacting your account manager, assemble a list of all of the accounts you would like to see in your business. Then provide the accounts of those users who would act as Administrators (this will also give them full administrative access to every Media Studio account within the business).

Can I view Live analytics data across all usernames?

Currently Business Manager only supported the export of VOD data. So at this time it is not possible to export Live analytics via this tool.

How much data can be viewed and exported?

The overview page has historical data starting from January 1, 2017 and can look at a full year at a time. The report exports can include 6 months at a time.

Why did an account suddenly get administrative access to all accounts in my organization?

Business Administrators must be able to view metrics and engagements for published videos aggregated at the username level for all usernames in a business.

My account is part of a business, so why can’t I see metrics for the full business?

If your account is in a business, you will be able to navigate to Business Manager but will only be able to view aggregated metrics for those accounts you have access to. Only Business Administrators or accounts that have access to all accounts in the business will be able to view analytics for the entire business.

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