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New York, NY
Дата регистрации: сентябрь 2008 г.


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  1. 5 часов назад
  2. 6 часов назад

    "There's a chance here for the Oscars to continue to broaden the idea of what a 'best picture' means, divorced from the big money, studios, and stars that normally dominate that field come February," writes .

  3. 7 часов назад

    "It turns out Greece, which handled its outbreak far, far better even than Germany, has much to teach its neighbors," says .

  4. 8 часов назад
  5. 10 часов назад

    "Minneapolis cops are more akin to a surly occupying militia than they are to a functional community police force," writes .

  6. 10 часов назад
  7. 11 часов назад
  8. 12 часов назад

    "When I was county attorney, cases we had involving officer-involved shootings went to a grand jury. I think that was wrong now," Klobuchar said. "It would have been much better if I took responsibility and looked at cases and made a decision myself."

  9. 12 часов назад

    Why should players and staff risk their health to play this year? And why should we demand it of them?

  10. 12 часов назад

    "The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but it will at least do what it can to address the inequalities and injustices that Republican policies have encouraged and exacerbated," writes .

  11. 13 часов назад

    St. Paul, Minnesota's police force — which has been pulled into the protests in neighboring Minneapolis — watched "Zootopia" a few years ago as part of its annual anti-bias training.

  12. 13 часов назад

    "What's truly different, and the necessary additional element that explains the 'new cold war' that may be aborning, is the sheer scope of Chinese power," says Noah Millman.

  13. 13 часов назад

    Today's best political cartoons:

  14. 14 часов назад

    A "gang of monkeys" overpowered a lab assistant at the Meerut Medical College in Delhi, India, on Friday and made off with three COVID-19 blood samples. The COVID-19 tests were later recovered.

  15. 14 часов назад

    Before Derek Chauvin was filmed choking George Floyd on a Minneapolis street, the two worked together at a nightclub not far from where the incident happened.

  16. 15 часов назад

    " ... the Academy ought to use this as an opportunity to fully embrace the cutting edge, independent, and foreign films that get crowded out in normal years," writes . Sorry, "Trolls World Tour." Not you.

  17. 15 часов назад

    "European citizens and policymakers may not get another chance to create a European economy that works for all Europeans," writes . "I suggest they seize it."

  18. 16 часов назад

    The official White House Twitter account re-upped a late night tweet from Trump that was slapped with a warning label because it violated Twitter's rules. Within about an hour, Twitter added the warning label to the White House's tweet as well.

  19. 16 часов назад

    "An injury to one is an injury to all. The police murdered George Floyd and the protest against is completely justified and should continue until their demands are met," Minneapolis bus driver Adam Burch reportedly said.

  20. 18 часов назад

    "We have to learn to tolerate great uncertainty, while having faith that scientists will find treatments and/or a vaccine, and this bizarre era will end."


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