نتایج جستجو
  1. ۵ ساعت پیش

    This is what means be part of the solution in Open Source World

  2. ۵ ساعت پیش

    "Speakers at WordCamps are totally on a voluntary basis and they don't get paid to speak at a WordCamp."

  3. ۱۹ ساعت پیش

    I knew all these stickers would serve a purpose some day.

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  4. خرداد ۱۸

    RT: FeedbackWp: Running a virtual sponsor booth at Europe 2020...plus a goodie bag inside ⏩ via

  5. خرداد ۱۷

    It's a wrap for 2020... A great online summit, but nothing can replace the real experience. Big shout out to all the fantastic organizers. Looking forward to Porto 2021... Bye from for now and till next time.

  6. خرداد ۱۷

    Sad to be missing , but the view here ain’t bad.

  7. خرداد ۱۷

    Big thanks to everyone who helped to make Europe such a great event!

  8. خرداد ۱۷

    Why should we prototype stuff? A question left by at with her talk titled "Prototyping Projects". Watch here

  9. خرداد ۱۷

    Do you remember last Europe where you were able to see any PC in the Hotel-Network? Especially sniffing out the projects that run on them. That was fun!

  10. خرداد ۱۷

    Wanna get some tips on about project management?? Vili is giving a talk on Benefits realisation through project management at .

  11. خرداد ۱۷

    Thank you for the tips to a faster site. Loved the talk and will definitely use the tools mentioned

  12. خرداد ۱۷

    How to watch in full width mode on a laptop... uncheck max-width css property.

  13. خرداد ۱۷

    Second day of Europe is just starting. Yesterday was fantastic so looking forward to today. 8,600 participants is huge!

  14. خرداد ۱۶

    📢 Almost 8600+ people LIVE on Tracks 1: The big moment of the day is here and Matt Mullenweg () is about to take to the stage. Watch on Track 1

  15. خرداد ۱۶

    Day two at ! What's your favorite talk so far? How are you enjoying the first all-virtual Europe?

  16. خرداد ۱۶

    ❤️ WPSec is a proud sponsor of WordCamp Europe 2020 Online!

  17. خرداد ۱۵

    Another year, another Europe, another Contributor Day to help grow even bigger, this time right in my room! 🤩

  18. خرداد ۱۵

    I'm happy to join Europe 2020 Online Contributor Day shortly to experience another round of collaboration with likeminded people who work on collective projects 👏🙏 It's fully online this time 😇

  19. خرداد ۱۵

    After 14 June 2018 and 20 June 2019, I was worried that today it would have been different. I was wrong. Happiness still smells like WordCamp. 🌹🌺🌻🌷

    Speakers' badge for WordCamp Europe 2020 online
  20. خرداد ۱۴

    Are you ready?! Tomorrow begins 4-6 June 2020. Online!!

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