LFCS - Linux Process Management

  • 164
  • 0
Every application running on a Linux machine is a process. Some applications may have multiple processes to help create the whole application. Managing these processes may seem an overwhelming...

Rock Pi 4 and Android TV

  • 3,502
  • 0 has a newer Single Board Computer (SBC) called a Rock Pi 4. The Rock Pi 4 supports the ability to be used as an Android TV as well as running Linux distros.

In this article, I...

Create A LiveCD Media

  • 3,410
  • 0
Nearly everyone using Linux has come across a LiveCD of some type. If you haven't, a LiveCD is an ISO file that can be burned to a USB or CD and booted from to create a running version of Linux in...

Intro and Installation of Kubernetes

  • 7,432
  • 2
Anyone using Docker can use Kubernetes to create a cluster. A cluster is when there are multiple systems working together as a single unit. If one system fails then the other systems will resume...

Add timestamp + change history size in your linux history

  • 7,906
  • 3
The Linux history command is awesome by default, but you can make it better! By default, it'll only hold about 1000 past commands, but you can increase that - you can also add...

Find your top 10 linux commands in your history

  • 9,470
  • 6
Linux is a great thing that it'll keep a history of the commands you time in the ~/.bash_history file. If you'd like to see the 10 top commands you use, you can run something like the following...

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