Posts tagged ‘wordcamp’

You know, when some people are asked to do a presentation on a subject, they start by thinking about what they’re going to say, how they’re going to say it, and what their presentation will contain.

Me, I just start writing code.

I was asked to present at WordCamp Seattle, on the specific subject of the GPL. Talking about licenses is pretty dry stuff, so I came up with some ideas and such and put them down and built a presentation. No problem. But naturally, I wanted to use WordPress to present it.

I’ve tried this sort of presentation-theme idea a couple years back, and didn’t really get anywhere good. HTML wasn’t up to the task at the time, not really. But in my searching for this again, I ran across the Google IO 2012 slides template.

It’s a neat template. Does some very cool stuff. HTML5, CSS3, clever Javascripty goodness. Bit annoying to adjust though, and very hardcoded. So, I turned it into a WordPress theme instead.

I call it “Slides”, because I’m bad at naming things.

If you want to skip straight to the download, you’ll find it at the bottom of the post, but I encourage you to read first, because if you just install it on an existing WordPress install, you’ll find your site to be instantly broken.

Continue reading ‘Slides: A Presentation Theme’ »


If you don’t get immediate responses from me for the next few days, that’s probably because I’m not here. As you can tell from my new sidebar badge, I’ll be in Savannah, GA for WordCamp Savannah 2010. I’ll be around the SCAD River Club all of Saturday and Sunday, and also Friday (if they’ll let me hang out, I didn’t sign up for that). Looks like it’s going to be awesome, Jane has really pulled it together nicely.

I will be trying though, and the hotel claims to have internet, but this is going to be my first real road-trip for a WordCamp, so I’ll be mostly unavailable for quick answers like I know a lot of people are used to getting from me. Don’t worry, I will get to you. Eventually.

If you’re coming to Savannah, please make it a point to come and ask me anything you like. I’m looking forward to meeting people and getting to know the community better. My only meat-space connection with the WordPress community has actually been meeting (and working for) Matt, and he’s clearly a biased source. ;)

So enjoy your week, everybody! I know I will!

And I WILL be having dinner at the Crab Shack. This is a requirement.
