You'll need to be an admin to turn messaging on or off for your Page. If you're an admin:
  1. Click Settings at the top of your Page.
  2. From General, click Messages.
  3. Click to check or uncheck the box next to Allow people to contact my Page privately by showing the Message button.
  4. Click Save Changes.
When messaging is on, a moderator, editor or admin can send a private message from the Page to anyone who's sent the Page a message. Private messages can also be used to respond to comments on a Page's post.
Keep in mind that Pages can't send messages to other Pages or to people who have blocked the Page.
Learn how to turn chat on or off for your personal account.
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To see your Page's messages, click Messages or Inbox at the top of your Page.
Learn how to turn on messaging for your Page.
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Replying to Messages
You'll need to be an admin, editor or moderator to reply to your Page's messages. Keep in mind that messages your Page receives won't appear in a chat like messages that you send and receive from your personal account. To see and respond to your Page's messages, you'll need to first go to your Page.
To reply to a message:
  1. Click Messages or Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. Click the message on the left you want to reply to.
  3. Enter your reply at the bottom and click Send.
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You can create saved replies to use as templates when you respond to your Pages's messages.
Create, Edit and Delete Saved Replies
To create a saved reply:
  1. Click Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. Click in the bottom right, then click Create Saved Replies.
  3. Enter the reply title and message. You can also add an image or personalize the reply.
  4. Click Save.
To edit or delete a saved reply:
  1. Click Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. Click in the bottom right.
  3. Click next to the saved reply you want to edit or delete.
  4. Edit your reply, then click Save or click to delete it.
Use a Saved Reply in a Message
To use a saved reply in a message:
  1. Click Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. Click the conversation on the left you want to reply to.
  3. Click at the bottom, then click the saved reply you want to use.
  4. Click Send.
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Managing Your Messages
You can create and apply labels to your Page's messages to organize them by category, topic or importance. You can apply more than one label to a message, and you can filter your Page's inbox to see all messages with that label.
To create a label:
  1. Click Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. Click Manage Labels next to Labels on the right.
  3. Enter the name of the label, then click Add Label.
To apply a label to a conversation:
  1. Click Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. Click a conversation on the left.
  3. Below Labels on the right, click Add Label... and begin typing the label you want to apply, then select it from the list that appears.
To filter your Page's inbox by a label, click in the top left, enter a label name and then select the label from the list that appears.
To manage all of your Page's labels, click Manage Labels next to Labels on the right. From here, you can click a label's color to change it or click to delete it. Deleting a label won't delete messages with that label.
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Away Messages & Instant Replies
You can set your Page’s messaging status to away for up to 12 hours. Anyone can see that your Page is away in the About section on the right side of your Page.
To set your Page's messaging status to away:
  1. Click Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. In the left column, click and then select Away.
Note: Messages received when your Page is away aren't included in your Page's response rate or response time.
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Pages are a way for businesses, brands and public figures to connect with their fans on Facebook. You must be a Page admin, editor or moderator to turn Instant Replies on or off for a Page.
Instant replies are messages sent automatically as your Page's first response to new messages. For example, you can use your instant reply message to let customers know that you'll get back to them soon or to thank them for contacting your Page.
To turn on instant reply for your Page:
  1. Click Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. Click Automated Responses in the left column.
  3. Click next to Instant Reply below Greet Customers to turn instant reply on.
  4. To change your instant reply message, click Edit Message in the middle.
  5. Update the message, then click Save in the top right.
To turn off instant reply:
  1. Click Inbox at the top of your Page.
  2. Click Automated Responses in the left column.
  3. Click next to Instant Reply below Greet Customers to turn instant reply off.
Note: Instant Replies aren't sent when your Page's messaging status is set to Away and aren't included in your Page's response rate or response time.
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You can create a customized greeting from your Page that will appear in Facebook messages and in the Messenger app for iPhone, iPad and Android when someone begins a conversation with your Page for the first time. Your Page's greeting will appear before any messages are sent.
To create a Messenger greeting:
  1. Click Settings at the top of your Page.
  2. Click Messaging in the left column.
  3. Next to Show a Messenger greeting, click to select On.
  4. Click Change, edit the greeting, then click Save.
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The Very responsive to messages badge shows people which Pages respond quickly and consistently to private messages. To get the badge, your Page must have achieved both of the following over the last 7 days:
  • A response rate of 90%.
  • A response time of 15 minutes.
When your Page has the badge, anyone can see it. When your Page doesn't have the badge, only people who help manage your Page can see responsiveness info on your Page.
Learn how response rate and response time are defined for your Page.
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Your Page's response rate and response time measure how quickly and consistently you and other people who manage your Page respond to messages. If you have a high response rate and fast response time, people who visit your Page will see a Very responsive to messages badge.
Response Rate
Your Page's response rate is the percentage of messages that you and other people who manage your Page respond to.
A message counts toward your Page's overall response rate if it's the first message a person sends your Page after neither of you has sent messages for at least 24 hours. Your Page's overall response rate is based on messages received in the 30 days prior to the last message that counted toward your response rate. For example, if it's September 6, and the last message your Page received that counted was on August 30, then your Page's response rate is based on messages that occurred from August 1 to August 30.
If your Page has received fewer than 10 messages in this time span, your Page's response rate will be based on the last 10 messages received. If your Page has received fewer than 10 messages total, it'll be based on all messages ever received.
Response Time
Your Page's response time gives people an expectation of the amount of time it takes your Page to respond to messages.
A message counts toward your response time if it's a response to the first message a person sends your Page after neither of you has sent messages for at least 24 hours.
Your Page's response time is an average of the fastest 90% of response times to messages received in the 30 days prior to the last message that counted toward your response rate. For example, if it's September 6, and the last message your Page received that counted was on August 30, then your Page's response time is based on messages that occurred from August 1 to August 30.
If your Page has received fewer than 10 messages in this time span, your response time will be based on the last 10 messages. If your Page has received fewer than 10 messages total, it'll be based on all messages ever received. People can see your response time when they visit your Page or when they open a chat with your Page in Messenger.
What Messages Are Included In My Page's Response Rate and Time?
Message replies that your Page sends manually and via API (such as from a bot) are included in the calculation of your Page's response rate and time.
What Messages Aren't Included In My Page's Response Rate and Time?
The following types of messages aren't included in the calculation of your Page's response rate and time:
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