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Facebook IQ: Digital Research and Insights
Video Insights

Understand why, how and when people watch video in Latin America.

Consumer Insights

Learn how shifts in people’s behaviors are shaping video consumption.

Mobile Video’s Rapid Rise Across Latin America

See why videos win with people across Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico—and what this means for brands looking to connect.

How Emerging Markets are Driving Mobile Video’s Global Growth

See how the surge of mobile video can connect people with new brands and experiences in fast-growing countries around the world.

Creative Insights

Discover the different ways people connect with video ads.

How Can Marketers Create Compelling Instagram Stories Ads?

Discover how people respond to Instagram Stories, and how advertisers can leverage these insights to capture attention and drive results.

Why Creativity Matters More in the Age of Mobile

Discover how to connect with people in the modern age.


Explore new research in cross-device consumption, and what it means for campaigns.

How Combining TV and Facebook Advertising Yields Higher Results

Nielsen’s Total Ad Ratings (TAR) study evaluated 31 campaigns in Brazil and Mexico to reveal how TV and Facebook together boost both the reach and precision of cross-platform campaigns.

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