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Facebook for Business

Facebook Measurement

Transform your business with smarter measurement.

Facebook measurement unlocks the potential to optimize your ads, understand your audience and grow your business. Start by finding the right tools to answer your most important questions.

Measure your ad performance

Measure Your Ad Performance

How do I get started with Facebook measurement?

If you have ads on a Facebook platform, you have Facebook measurement.

Anyone can get started with Facebook measurement. If you have ads running on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or Audience Network, visit Ads Manager, where you can monitor your campaign performance, view reach and demographics breakdowns, and review the cost of your ads over any period of time.

Access Ads Manager on-the-go with the mobile app.

A screen of Facebook Ads Manager App showing Age related metrics information on an ad campaignClick to zoom on the Facebook Ads Manager App image

Monitor the reports that are most important for your business.

Get a bird’s eye view of your entire ad account, or take a closer look at real-time analytics of a single ad. When you’ve determined which performance metrics you care most about, you can save your filters into a preset view, to quickly revisit again later.

A Facebook Ads Manager screenshot on desktop showing ad performance overall results with charts and KPIsClick to zoom on the Ad Performance chart from Facebook Ads Manager image

Compare results to find your most successful placements.

To create the best advertising strategy, you need to know where your ads perform best and which audiences are most engaged. With Facebook measurement tools, you can see cross-platform and cross-device performance, so you can adjust and optimize your marketing efforts based on real results.

Find detailed instructions for viewing your ad performance results in the Advertiser Help Center.

Screenshot of Facebook Ads Manager Placement Chart to show where you advertising is being shown on between Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network etcClick to zoom on Facebook Ads Manager Placement chart

Start with a free course.

Learn how to create an effective measurement strategy from scratch in the Measurement Foundations Blueprint course.

Meet your audience

Meet Your Audience

Are my ads being seen by the right people and in the right places?

With Facebook, you can learn more about your audience.

Facebook measurement is based on people. Breakdowns aggregate secure, anonymized data so you can get a high-level view of your audience demographics: where they’re viewing your ads, what devices they’re using and more. Compare your current audience with the one you set out to reach to make sure your campaigns are set up properly.

Find more information on breakdowns in the Advertiser Help Center.

Demographics section of desktop Facebook Ads Manager, showing a chart and metrics on your reached audienceClick to zoom on the Ads Manager Demographics reporting screen

Evaluate the impact of your campaigns across digital and TV.

If you run ads on TV and Facebook, you might want to see where your ads have the most effect on viewers, or where they are most cost efficient for your business. With Nielsen Digital Ads Ratings and Total Ads Ratings, you get true cross-platform reporting across computer, mobile, connected devices and TV.

Image of a report on Ad Recall and what is your Facebook ad effectClick to zoom on the Standard Ad Recall and Facebook Ad Effect Chart report

Avoid the places where you don’t want your ads to show up.

With some placement options, your ads may show up adjacent to or within content that doesn’t align with your business or brand. Use Advertiser Controls to manage your placements, and Ads Manager to review where your ads have appeared. Then, adjust where and when you need to.

Image of how you can select Facebook platforms you advertisement will show onClick to zoom on the Facebook Ad Placement selection image

Third-party partners let you get back to business.

If you run a lot of ads on Facebook, verification and brand safety can be big tasks. That's why we have trusted Facebook measurement partners who can help verify the viewability of your ads, manage your brand safety controls at scale and much more.

Find a Partner

comScore logo, a Facebook Marketing Partner helping on measurement
OpenSlate logo, a Facebook Marketing Partner helping on measurement
Moat logo, a Facebook Marketing Partner helping on measurement
DoubleVerify logo, a Facebook Marketing Partner helping on measurement

Start of a quote icon

We saw the ‘better together’ impact first-hand. Facebook and TV are powerful individually, but deliver a stronger message to our audience when used in tandem.

—Ajay Kapoor VP, Digital Transformation & Strategy SharkNinja

Try Facebook Attribution

Try Facebook Attribution

How do I know which parts of my marketing are driving impact?

Find out which marketing efforts are contributing to your success.

Attribution is the process of assigning credit to the marketing touchpoints along the customer journey that lead to a conversion or desired action by the customer. By understanding which of your ads get credit, you can better measure the impact each of your ads is having, and make decisions for future planning and optimization.

Find out what you need to get started with Facebook Attribution in the Advertiser Help Center.

Image example of how the Facebook Attribution report look likeClick to zoom on Facebook Attribution report image

Different attribution models can tell different stories. With Facebook, you have options.

Facebook Attribution supports several rule-based attribution models, each of which gives you a different perspective on the customer journey. There are traditional solutions like last-click and cookie-based models, as well as multi-touch attribution models that follow impressions across channels and devices.

Learn the differences between attribution models in the Advertiser Help Center to find what’s right for your business.

Image of a Facebook Attribution tool report on where conversions come fromClick to zoom on the Facebook Attribution conversion chart

Facebook’s data-driven model gives you better insight into ad performance across the Facebook family.

Facebook also offers a statistical attribution model that assigns fractional conversion credit to your ads across Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger. With this option, you see the estimated impact that each ad has on the path to purchase. This data-driven model is based on results from controlled experiments and is updated periodically, so it’s less biased and more accurate than other rule-based attribution models.

Screenshot of the Facebook Attribution tool Performance sectionClick to zoom on the Facebook Attribution Performance chart

Find the right partner to help.

Attribution can make your advertising strategy stronger and more efficient, so we want all businesses to have the right resources to use it. Work with one of our trusted measurement partners who can help your business understand Facebook Attribution and turn your results into growth.

Find an Attribution Partner

Neustar MarketShare logo, Facebook Marketing Partner expert on Facebook Attribution tool
Kantar Worldpanel logo, Facebook Marketing Partner expert on Facebook Attribution tool
GfK logo, Facebook Marketing Partner expert on Facebook Attribution tool
Adjust logo, Facebook Marketing Partner expert on Facebook Attribution tool

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We’ve been working with Facebook on Attribution since its inception and the tool—combined with our expertise—delivers incredible results for our clients.

—Ash Greyson CEO, Ribbow Media Group

Find insights with testing

Find Insights With Facebook Testing

How do I test my campaigns to see what’s working?

Take the guesswork out of finding your best-performing ads and strategy.

To do your best advertising on Facebook platforms, you need to know which ad creative and strategies are most successful. With Facebook split testing, you can use an A/B test to determine the best target audience, delivery optimization, placements, creative or product sets for each of your ad campaigns.

Take a look at the best practices for split testing or try a course to learn how to conduct and interpret your split testing results.

Example of a Facebook ad campaign on mobile that uses split testing to get results on the creative to use for best impactClick to zoom on the Split Test done between those 2 Facebook ads

Run a scientific Test and Learn test to determine the impact of your ads.

Facebook Test and Learn can help your business find answers to many of the questions you have about your ads, with the help of rigorous scientific testing. Using randomized control groups, you’ll be able to see how much your Facebook ads drive conversions, which campaign causes the lowest-cost conversions and much more.

See everything you can do with Test and Learn in the Ads Help Center.

Image from the Facebook Test and Learn tool to select the variables of your A/B testClick to zoom on Facebook Test & Learn tool image

Test and Learn can also measure how your brand resonates with people.

If you want to learn how your ad campaigns affect your brand awareness, perception or recall, you can use Facebook Test and Learn to run a Brand Lift test. Through the use of polling, you can get brand insights about ad recall, favorability, brand familiarity and more.

Test and Learn Brand Lift studies are only available in certain regions. Learn more about Test and Learn Brand Lift studies in the Ads Help Center.

Example of how a Facebook Brand Lift pool is shown to the customerClick to zoom on Facebook Advertiser Sponsored Pool created via Brand Lift

Build a strategy based on incrementality measurement.

Good measurement starts with understanding the value driven specifically by your ads, also known as incremental lift. In addition to building tools based on incremental testing like Test and Learn, we’ve partnered with our Measurement Council to develop white papers, videos and articles that show how measurement leaders use incrementalilty to create impactful marketing strategies.

We also partnered with Boston Consulting Group to show how improving marketing measurement can improve spending efficiency by 20-40%, and performance by as much as 10%. See the research in Marketing Measurement Done Right.

Click to zoom on the Measure the value of your ads.

Start of a quote icon

By testing various tactics using the incremental lift solution, we were able to better discern the positive impact Facebook had on our business in terms of driving conversions and lowering our CPA.

—Nisho Cherison, Sr. Director, Growth, ThirdLove

Facebook Measurement partners

Facebook Measurement Partners

What can third-party measurement partners do for my business?

Measurement partners can help with verification, marketing mixed modeling and much more.

We want to empower all businesses with powerful measurement solutions they can understand and count on. While we’re working to make our tools transparent and building free educational resources, we have also added industry-leading measurement partners who give you more choice, confidence and control.

Discover all the ways our measurement partners can help your business

AppsFlyer icon, a Facebook Marketing Partner
Accenture icon, a Facebook Marketing Partner
Nielsen icon, a Facebook Marketing Partner
Localytics icon, a Facebook Marketing Partner
Integral Ad Science icon, a Facebook Marketing Partner
LiveRamp icon, a Facebook Marketing Partner

Featured Products

Featured Products

Take the next step with measurement for your business.

Split Testing

Compare two ad strategies to optimize your future campaigns with a split test.

Test and Learn

Discover how much value your brand and Direct Response ads drive with Test and Learn.

Facebook Attribution

See which of your ads are getting results with Facebook Attribution.

Measurement Partners

Find a Facebook marketing partner to compare ROI across digital publishers and channels.

The latest measurement news

See the latest measurement news

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