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Facebook for Business
2 min

Facebook Ads and Your Business Goals

Hey there, its Marika, and I'm here to talk with you about how ads on Facebook can help you reach your business goals.

Before we get started, take a minute to think about your business. What are some of the things you'd like to accomplish in the near future? Maybe you'd like to see an increase in sales or get more visitors to your website? Maybe you're trying to promote a special event? When you create a new ad, Facebook lets you choose what kind of promotion makes the most sense for your specific goal.

Here's an example. Let’s say you open up an ice cream shop and need to get the word out to the neighborhood that you are open for business. The goal is simple: attract new customers. To do this, you might run a special like, “All weekend ice cream cones are buy one, get one free.” You'd create a post about that on your business Page, which surely many of your followers would like, because who doesn't want free ice cream? But, you'd want people who weren't already following to see the post as well. So, you might choose the objective Boost a Post. That way, a lot more people will see the post, like it, learn that you're giving away free ice cream and visit your ice cream shop over the weekend. Ideally, they'll also come back next time they need a mint pistachio sundae or some fudge-decadence pie.

So, lets review. Before you create your ad, get specific about your immediate goal. What do you want this Facebook ad to accomplish? Next, go to your business's Facebook Page, select the blue button on the bottom left of the Page and explore the options. You might just discover that one of the ad objectives you find there matches up perfectly with your business goal.

Ready to take the next step? Check out our other Blueprint content and keep learning.

Now that you understand how ad objectives align to business goals, we'll share more about the ad objectives available on Facebook.

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