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Facebook for Business

Facebook ad objectives

Choose a marketing goal for your ads.

Facebook ads work best when you're focused on what you want to achieve. Objectives help to clarify your goals for campaigns or even individual ads. They're the first thing you select when you go to Ads Manager to create an ad.

Get people's attention with awareness objectives.

Brand awareness

Increase overall awareness for your brand by showing ads to people who are more likely to pay attention to them.

Works well with: ad recall lift


Show ads to the maximum number of people in your audience while staying within your budget. You can also choose to reach only people who are near your business locations.

Get people to engage with consideration objectives.

Screen of the ad objective selection when creating an ad for Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network with Ads Manager. App Installs being selected as ad objective.

App Installs

Drive more installs of your app by linking directly to the App Store and Google Play Store. You can also choose to target high-value users.

Works well with: app event optimisation, value optimisation


Grow the number of people who are visiting your site, app or Messenger conversation, and increase the likelihood that they'll take a valuable action when they get there.

Works well with: link ads

Lead Generation

Make it easy for interested people to learn more about your business. Encourage them to sign up for more info or spend time with your app or website.

Works well with: lead ads


Prompt people to open more Messenger interactions. Scale your ability to have personal conversations with them – so you can answer questions, collect leads and boost sales.


Get more people to follow your Page or engage with your posts through comments, shares and likes. You can also choose to optimise for more event responses or offer claims.

Video Views

Show your videos to people who are most likely to be interested in them and watch them to completion.

Get people to act with conversion objectives.


Increase actions on your site or app. Whether you want purchases, leads, registrations or other types of conversions, this objective prompts people to do something.

Works well with: the Facebook pixel

Store VisitsBridge the gap between people's online and offline shopping journeys by driving store visits, sales and other valuable actions at your physical shop locations.

Catalogue Sales

Move more inventory by automatically promoting the most relevant products. Simply upload your catalogue and set up your campaign – and it will show the right products to the right buyers.

Works well with: dynamic ads

These ad types were designed to help you meet specific goals.

Two of the most common needs we see from advertisers are retargeting and lead generation. The following ad types pair certain key objectives with complementary ad formats to accomplish those goals.

Dynamic ads

Catalogue Sales objective + carousel, collection or photo format

Automatically promote the most relevant items from your product catalogue, and retarget people who have shown interest on your site or app.

Learn About Dynamic Ads
Screen of selecting the carousel ad format in Facebook Ads Manager
Lead ads

Lead Generation objective + any format paired with a lead form

Generate qualified leads for your business by giving people an easy, intuitive way to get the information they want – even if they're on mobile.

Learn About Lead Ads
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