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Facebook for Business
2 min

Get Started with Facebook Pages

New to Facebook for business? Watch and learn what we'll cover in this series and how you can use it to grow your business.

Hey, there. Welcome to Get Started with Facebook, a video series on using Facebook to connect with your customers and help grow your business. I'm Marika, and I'll be coaching you through the process of creating a Facebook Page.

Keep in mind, over a billion people use Facebook to stay in touch. People discover new products, shop and get information about their favorite businesses here. Our goal is to bring businesses and people together in a way that creates value for both. People find stuff they like, businesses find the people who like what they do. Before you find your future customers and connect with existing ones here, you have to learn the basics.

I've been working with the folks at Facebook to be sure you're getting the pro tips to make the most of your effort. We've got a holistic set of tools to make mutually beneficial connections easier, whether it's booking a haircut or ordering a pizza. I'm here to help you master them. Keep watching. I'll show you how to create your Page, and invite people to like it, where to find important tools and much, much more. So, ready to create your Page and start connecting with people on Facebook? Let's do it.
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