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Facebook for Business
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Events are where we connect with our customers and partners in person—to listen, educate and inspire.

See how Facebook can help your business bring events and experiences virtual during the current situation.

January 7-10, 2020

Consumer Electronics Show 2020

Facebook at CES

Join Facebook @ CES 2020 as we explore ideas that thrive in a connected world.

See the Schedule

11 - 12 September

Digital Marketing Expo and Conference

Facebook at DMEXCO

Join your friends from Facebook in Cologne! Check out all our sessions, installations and more at the Facebook both in Hall 6.

June 17, 2019

Cannes Lions 2019

Celebrate Storytelling and Creativity with Facebook

Storytelling and creativity are more important than ever for building community, connections, and growth. At Cannes Lions, we'll explore the opportunities for great storytelling and creative expression on our platforms, and we'll celebrate the many communities moving the industry forward. Check out all our sessions and installations at the Facebook beach.

See the Schedule

March 21, 2019

Facebook Summit 2019

Facebook Summit 2019

Facebook Summit 2019 brought thousands of marketers, builders and thinkers together to explore the future of building business.

Watch the Event
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