
Learn about the people using your product with aggregated demographics and audience insights including age, gender, location, education and interests. You can also use Custom Audiences to focus on specific segments of your audience that you want to learn more about.


You can change the information displayed in many charts in Facebook Analytics by selecting a new metric (Metric) or time interval (Time Interval) from the top right of each chart. You can also break down the information you see in these charts by selecting a new parameter (Show By).

If you see an error message in a chart when you adjust these settings, you can troubleshoot it.


To change the metric displayed in a chart, click the dropdown menu to the right of Metric, then select the metric you'd like to see. These options will be different for each chart.

Time Interval

To change the time interval displayed in a chart, click the dropdown menu to the right of Time Interval, then select the time interval you'd like to see. Changing a chart's time interval will only apply to information shown in that chart.

Show By

To break down your chart by a new parameter, or dimension, click the dropdown menu to the right of Show By, then select an option from the Event Info, Custom Parameters or User Properties categories:


This category contains standard parameters built into Facebook Analytics.

You may see Unknown for these parameters if we can't show anonymized and aggregated information, like when you don't have enough events. Try increasing your Time Interval.

This category includes:

  • Age: Shows the age of people that accessed your product.
  • App Version: Shows the app version that people used to access your product (example: version 2.3 or 4.4).
  • Browser: Shows the web browser that people used to access your product (example: Chrome, Safari, Firefox).
  • Browser Version: Shows the web browser version that people used to access your product.
  • Channel: Shows the different ways people can interact with your product. More specifically, this is the environment used to log events. Learn more about setting up channels.
  • City: Shows the city location of people that accessed your product.
  • Client Type: Shows the software used to access your product (example: native app, Games on Facebook). Learn the difference between Client Type, Device OS and Channel.
  • Country: Shows the country location of people that accessed your product.
  • Device OS: Shows the operating system that people used to access your product. Learn the difference between Client Type, Device OS and Channel.

    Keep in mind that single users that complete an event on different operating systems will appear as Multiple Values. For example, if a person launches your app on both Android and iOS, it will appear in Facebook Analytics as Multiple Values.

  • Device Model: Shows the device model people used to access your product.
  • Device Type: Shows the device type that people used to access your product (example: phone, tablet or others).
  • Event Logging SDK: Shows the Facebook SDK version used to log an event (example: FBAndroidSDK.4.10.0 or FBiOSSDK.4.10.0).
  • Facebook Login: Shows people that used Facebook Login to access your product. Learn more about Facebook Login in Facebook for Developers.
  • Gender: Shows the gender of people who accessed your product if available.
  • Install Attribution: Shows the action that people took to find and install your mobile app (example: click or view app install ad). Learn how installs are measured.
  • App Install Source: Shows where people found and installed your mobile app (example: Facebook Ad, Facebook Organic, Instagram Ad, Audience Network). Keep in mind that when you filter by app install source, the results only show app install campaigns and not engagement. Learn more about app install sources.

    You can use the following filters to view app install sources that deal with ads (example: Facebook Ad) on a more granular-level:

    • App Install Source - Campaign: Shows the campaign that people found and install your app.
    • App Install Source - Ad Set: Shows the set of ads that people found and install your app.
    • App Install Source - Ad: Shows the ad that people found and install your app.
  • Language: Shows the language spoken by the people that accessed your product.
  • Mobile Carrier: Shows the mobile carriers of the devices used to access your product (example: T-Mobile or AT&T).
  • Processor Core Count: Shows the processor core count of the devices used to access your product.
  • Region: Shows the region location of devices that accessed your product.
  • Remaining Space in GB: Shows the remaining space on the devices used to access your product.
  • Screen Size of Device: Shows the screen size of the devices used to access your product.
  • Time Zone of Device: Shows the time zone of the devices used to access your product.
  • Session Traffic Source: Shows visits to your website from high-level categories. Learn more about the difference between Session Traffic Source, Session Traffic Source by Search Engine and Session Traffic Source by Social Network.
  • Session Traffic Source by Search Engine: Visits from large search engines (example:, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, Yahoo). Learn more about the difference between Session Traffic Source, Session Traffic Source by Search Engine and Session Traffic Source by Social Network.
  • Session Traffic Source by Social Network: Visits from large social networks (example: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus). Learn more about the difference between Session Traffic Source, Session Traffic Source by Search Engine and Session Traffic Source by Social Network.

This category contains parameters that are based on custom parameters defined by the developer (example: content ID or purchase value).


This category contains parameters that are based on custom user data defined by the developer. For example, an airline might create a user property of “frequent flyer status.” Keep in mind that the user properties category is also used as a condition when creating filters.

Learn how to create user properties.

Note: Facebook Analytics only displays the 10 largest values for each parameter.

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To create a new filter in Facebook Analytics, choose the conditions you'd like to filter by and refine them. You can then save your filter to reuse it later.

You don't need to save your filters to share them or create Custom Audiences.

To create and save a filter in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Next to , click + Add Filter and select Create new filter from the top section. The filter will read Filter to people who. If you'd rather filter by events, you can click the filter and select Filter data to events that.
  2. Add conditions. Depending on the analytics entity you've selected and if you're filtering by events or people, you'll see options related to:
    • Events: Actions people take in an analytics entity or group that you define and log (example: app launches and purchases). You can filter to include or exclude events.
    • Demographics: Characteristics like age, gender, country or language.
    • Device Info: Information about devices people use (example: device model, browser or app version).
    • User Properties: Custom user details. For example, an airline might create a user property of "frequent flyer status." Learn how to create user properties.
    • App Install Source: The way a person found and installed your app. Learn more about app install sources.
    • Web Parameters: Information related to web events, such as referrer domain. For example, a company might use this to see people who come to their website from a specific web domain (example:

    Depending on the parameters you'd like to use, you may be able to choose different operators (example: is, is not, contains, does not contain and so on) to customize your filter.

  3. Refine the condition you selected and add more filters as needed.
  4. Check the percentage of your audience included in this view and update your filter as needed. Here's an example:

    If you see an error message in your charts, you may need to choose a less granular filter.

  5. Click and select Save Filter, then name your filter and click Save Filter to confirm. You can also click away from the filter to preview without saving.

    Not all roles can save filters. Even if you can't save the filter you created, you can still share it.

Now that you've created a filter, you can explore other sections with your new filtered view of Facebook Analytics. You can remove the filter from your view by clicking X on the filter.

Note: If you see an error message in a chart, you can troubleshoot it.

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You can apply saved filters in Facebook Analytics to view more granular information, when available.

To apply a saved filter in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Near the top of your screen, click Add Filter.
  2. Select a saved filter from the list.

Now that you've applied a filter, you can explore other sections of Facebook Analytics with your new filtered view. You can remove it by clicking X on the filter.

Note: If you see an error message, like All Other or Unknown in a chart, you can troubleshoot it.

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You can create Custom Audiences from filters, saved or unsaved, in Facebook Analytics. You can create Custom Audiences for apps, pixels and groups that only contain apps and pixels. If you have access to Pages and Instagram event sources in Facebook Analytics, you can also create Custom Audiences from these event sources and associated groups. You may not be able to create a Custom Audience from all filter options.

You can create a Custom Audience from a saved or unsaved filter in Facebook Analytics. You can select your Custom Audience when you create your ad campaign.

To create a Custom Audience in Facebook Analytics:

  1. Either create the filter you'd like to use, or select an existing, saved filter. You can save any new filters you create.
  2. Click , and select Create Custom Audience.
  3. Name your Custom Audience.
  4. Specify the following options:
    • Ad Account: The Facebook Ads Manager account associated with your Custom Audience.
    • Filter: Select Use Current Filter or a saved filter that you'll use to create your Custom Audience.
    • In the: Select the time period for people to qualify for your Custom Audience.
  5. Click Create Custom Audience. If you can't create a Custom Audience with your current filter selection, you may need to update your filter. You may not be able to create a Custom Audience from all filter options.

We'll start creating your audience. Click View Audiences to view, edit or delete this audience in Audience Manager.

Note: New Custom Audiences may take up to one hour to become available. Event-based Custom Audiences are a type of Engagement Custom Audience, which means this audience's size may change as people's engagement changes.

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You can create a Lookalike Audience from a Custom Audience to reach people with your ad campaigns who are similar to your existing customers.

Once you've created a Custom Audience from a filter in Facebook Analytics, read Create a Lookalike Audience for the next steps.

Note: Newly created audiences may take up to 1 hour to become available.

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Use this article to:

  • Understand error messages you may see in Facebook Analytics charts, like Unknown and All Other.
  • Learn how to fix these errors, when possible.

Here's a list of the error messages you may see in Facebook Analytics:

Error MessagePossible Reasons

All Other

The filter or audience that you're viewing for a given period may not be large enough.

Recommendation: Adjust your filter to increase the size of the audience in your filtered view. You can also view a larger date range.


You may see Unknown when:

  • The information may not have been verified, like when people don't log into Facebook.
  • There aren't enough people to anonymize and aggregate their information.
  • People chose not to disclose some information, like gender.
  • People select a gender option that isn't yet supported by Facebook Analytics.

Recommendation: Increase the time interval you're viewing or make your filter less specific.

Data is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

You may see this error due to an issue with Facebook Analytics.

Recommendation: Please contact Support to report where in Facebook Analytics you saw the error.

No Data Is Available

Your events may not be logging correctly.

Recommendation: Check your event logging setup.

Other Values

You may see Other Values when we've grouped results that we don't recognize, or results with insufficient numbers to display.

For example, you may see this when you break down a chart by browser. People may have triggered events in browsers we don't yet support, or people may not have triggered enough events in a given browser or group of browsers to show results in your charts.

Recommendation: Make your breakdowns less granular, apply fewer parameters or filters and increase the date range.

Application request limit reached

If you see Application request limit reached, it may be due to a momentarily high request volume.

Recommendation: Wait (ideally at least 24 hours) and try again later when access is unblocked.

Have a different question or still need help? Get support.

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In Facebook Analytics, Client Type, Device OS and Channel are parameters you can use to break down your charts, when available:

  • Client Type: The software used to access your native app, Games on Facebook or other event source.
  • Device OS: The operating system used to access your event source. For example, iOS or Android.

    People who complete an event on different operating systems will appear as Multiple Values. For example, if a person launches your app on both Android and iOS mobile phones.

  • Channel: The ways people can interact with your product. More specifically, this is the environment used to log events. Learn more about setting up channels for Facebook Analytics.

The table below identifies the Client Type, Device OS and Channel for various example scenarios:

ScenarioClient TypeDevice OSChannel

A person uses an iPhone, opens a music app and plays music. The play_music event is logged by the Facebook SDK.

Native App iOS iOS

A person uses an Android mobile phone, opens a music app and plays music. The play_music event is logged by the Facebook SDK.

Native App Android Android

A person uses an Android mobile phone, opens Facebook for Android, clicks a music URL in a post and plays music through the browser in the app. The play_music event is logged by the Facebook SDK for JavaScript.

WebView Android Web

A mobile measurement partner (MMP) sends events to Facebook Analytics but doesn't clarify whether they are from an iPhone or Android mobile phone.

Native App Other Values Other Mobile OS

A person uses a Windows 10 computer, opens a browser, visits a music website and plays music. The pageview event is logged by the Facebook SDK for JavaScript or the Facebook pixel.

Browser Windows Web

A person uses a Mac computer, opens a browser, visits a music website and plays music. The pageview event is logged by the Facebook SDK for JavaScript or the Facebook pixel.

Browser Mac OS Web

A person uses a Mac computer, opens a browser, visits Facebook and plays music on a music app in Facebook. The play_music event is logged by the Games on Facebook SDK.

Games on Facebook Mac OS Games on Facebook
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