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Mail.ru Cloud Databases are cloud databases (Database as a service). The service allows deploying solutions based on MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, ClickHouse, Postgres Pro, Greenplum in the cloud. The bases are available in single, master-slave and cluster configurations. Using the service relieves you of the burden of database administration.

Sections of Databases

Quick start

Description of the "Databases as a service" operation, as well as basic steps for quickly creating an instance and connecting to it. 

Manage features

Scaling and management of service functions, including backup and fine-tuning the database. 


Extensions allow you to manage additional database functionality without having to make additional configuration changes to your instance. 


Managing database scaling by creating replicas allows for even load balancing. 


Backing up instances in both automatic and manual mode will help protect yourself from data loss. 


Using the software toolkit provides the ability to make changes to the database configuration without the need to use the web interface, while having unlimited potential. 


Reference information about the application programming interface (API), API operations, corresponding request and response structures, and error codes.