Free Software Foundation Europe


15 April 2020

This year's FSFE's Free Software Legal and Licensing Workshop has been cancelled. The FSFE thanks our contributors and looks ahead to organizing the event next year.

Consider donating your conference budget

11 April 2020

The biggest financial impact the FSFE faces in these times of physical distancing is the cancellation of Free Software conferences, including our own events. To keep the software freedom movement solid and alive, please consider to donate a part of your conference budget to Free Software organisations, including the FSFE.

Software Freedom Podcast #5 about regulation with Professor Lawrence Lessig

09 April 2020

For our Software Freedom Podcast we talk with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In this episode, we talk with Professor Lawrence Lessig, founder of Creative Commons, about regulation of society, offline as well as online, about the different means of regulation, and shed light on regulations through code.

COVID-19 Hackathons: Only Free Software creates global solutions

08 April 2020

Currently we see a lot of hackathons to find tools that help tackle the crisis of pandemic COVID-19. More and more governments and administrations are hosting or funding such hackathons. To make sure that the results of these hackathons can be used globally and adapted locally - that the software can be used, studied, shared and improved everywhere - the FSFE asks to publish the outcomes under a Free Software licence.

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CANCELLED: Maker Fair 2020 in Berlin, Deutschland

18 to 19 April 2020

IT-tinkering is only possible with Free Software, that's why the FSFE local group Berlin is going to be present with an information and merchandise booth at the Maker Fair in Berlin. The Maker Fair is a get-together of makers and visitors interested in various DIY-ideas. At the FSFE’s booth, visitors can inform themselves about Raspberry Pi as a computer for standard applications especially suitable for education, about how to ‘free’ Android-Smartphones and about email-encryption with Free Software.

ATTENTION: This event has been cancelled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19.

Forum Bits & Bäume: Nachhaltige Hard- und Software in Berlin, Germany

23 April 2020

Die FSFE ist Mitveranstalterin des 3. Forum Bits & Bäume zum Thema "Nachhaltige Hard- und Software" im Einstein Center Digital Future in Berlin. In diesem Format werden verschiedene Zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen aus dem Technologie- und dem Umweltbereich zusammenkommen um nachhaltige Formate bezüglich Hard- und Software zu diskutieren. Erik Albers wird einen Fokusdialog zum Thema nachhaltige und Freie Software leiten. In Anwesenheit von Umweltbundesamt und Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, parlamentarische Staatssekretärin des Umweltministeriums, sollen konkrete Handlungsvorschläge für die Politik erarbeitet werden. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, Anmeldung bald eröffnet. Weiter Kooperationspartner sind das Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung und das Konzeptwerk neue Ökonomie.

ACHTUNG: Zur Eindämmung von COVID-19 kann diese Veranstaltung nicht wie geplant stattfinden. Mehr Infos erfolgen in Kürze.

Open Education Day 2020 in Bern, Switzerland

25 April 2020

Ralf Hersel und Lioh Moeller von der FSFE Lokalgruppe Zürich werden am Open Education Day in Bern einen einführenden Vortrag zum Thema "Selber hosten leicht gemacht" halten. Der Vortrag findet auf Deutsch statt.

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