
Learn about some of the key metrics surfaced in your Facebook Analytics Overview.


In the People section, you can only look at information from the last 28 days.

When you filter by a date range, you'll only see information from the period of time that you've specified, up to 2 years in the past.

To filter by a date range in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Go to the section of Facebook Analytics with information you'd like to filter (example: Active Users.

    For Funnels, Cohorts and Breakdowns you need to view a specific funnel, cohort or breakdown.

  2. In the top left, select the first dropdown menu. This menu will display the date range you're currently viewing (example: Last 28 days).
  3. Select an available pre-defined or custom date range, up to 2 years.
  4. Select Update.

Now the analytics you view will be filtered by the date range you selected.

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Active users are the number of unique users who use your event source (example: app, website, Messenger bot). When unique users can't be determined, unique devices or cookies are used instead. Users may take various actions, which Facebook Analytics logs as events.

Active users

For each channel, a user must complete one of the following events to be considered an active user during a given period:

Event SourceChannelEvent
AppsAndroid, iOS

Launches the app and the activateApp method (for Android, for iOS) is called.

AppsWeb (Facebook SDK for JavaScript)

Views a page on the website and the logPageView method is called.

AppsMessenger Bot

Sends a message to your Messenger Bot or clicks a button within a message.

AppsGames on Facebook

Launches the app on Games on Facebook.

PixelWeb (Facebook Pixel)

Views a page on your website, and the logPageView method is called.

Facebook Page (Beta)Facebook Page

Posts, comments, reacts or shares on your Facebook Page, or receives or reads messages from the Facebook Page.

Event Source Group or Private GroupAny combination of the channels above

Events added up from any combination of the channels above.

User activity

If you're using Facebook Analytics for a single channel, User Activity represents the number of times the corresponding event for your channel listed above was completed by active users. For example, if you use Facebook Analytics only for your website, User Activity represents the number of page views (calling the logPageView method).

If you're using Facebook Analytics across multiple channels, User Activity represents the sum of the number of times the corresponding events for your channels listed above were completed by active users.

For example, if you use Facebook Analytics for both your website and its corresponding iOS app, User Activity represents the sum of the number of page views (calling the logPageView method) and the number of times someone used your iOS app (calling the activateApp method).

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New users are the number of unique users who use your event source (example: app, website or Messenger bot) or event source group for the first time:

  • If you view a single channel or event source in Facebook Analytics, New User Activity represents the number of new users.
  • If you view Facebook Analytics across multiple channels, New User Activity represents the total number of unique new users across all channels.

For example, if you use Facebook Analytics for both your website and its corresponding iOS app, New User Activity represents the total number of unique users who viewed your website and used your iOS app for the first time.

Note: Someone may also be considered a new user under the following circumstances:

  • When they clear the cookies on their web browser before they view a website, even if they may have viewed that website before.
  • When they interact with an event source or event source group after a period of inactivity greater than 2 years.
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You may notice a difference in Active Users and Active Login Users because they are different metrics.

Active Users

A user must complete one of the following events to be considered an Active User during a given time period. These events may include:

  • Launch your app, causing the activateApp method to be called. Learn more about event logging for Android or iOS.
  • View your website, causing the logPageView method to be called. Learn more about event logging for websites.
  • Launch your app on Games on Facebook.
  • Send messages to a Messenger bot.

See the full list of events used to determine Active Users.

Active Login Users

We log Active Login Users whenever someone accesses your event source via Facebook Login. You can view Active Login Users in Facebook Platform > Login.

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Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) are companies that can help you gain deeper insights about your advertising campaigns. MMPs are particularly helpful if you want to measure outcomes across several ad networks.

Only send events through an MMP if you don't send events through the Facebook SDK. Sending events through both could result in the potential duplication of events.

For examples of MMPs, visit the Solutions Explorer.

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In Facebook Analytics, you can use filters to learn about the audience of your app, website, Facebook Page or other supported event source. For example, what actions people take, what kind of device they use, the app install source and other demographic information.

You can use filters in most sections of Facebook Analytics. Your filtered view follows you from section to section, unless you deselect it. You can also edit and delete filters as needed. Once you save a filter, anyone with access to the analytics entity it's applied to will also be able to use it.

For example, you can filter information by people who were referred by Facebook and use those insights to inform your social media strategy across event sources (your app, pixel, Facebook Page or other supported event source) or event source groups.

You can even create a Custom Audience for your Facebook ad campaigns from some filters.

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To create a new filter in Facebook Analytics, choose the conditions you'd like to filter by and refine them. You can then save your filter to reuse it later.

You don't need to save your filters to share them or create Custom Audiences.

To create and save a filter in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Next to , click + Add Filter and select Create new filter from the top section. The filter will read Filter to people who. If you'd rather filter by events, you can click the filter and select Filter data to events that.
  2. Add conditions. Depending on the analytics entity you've selected and if you're filtering by events or people, you'll see options related to:
    • Events: Actions people take in an analytics entity or group that you define and log (example: app launches and purchases). You can filter to include or exclude events.
    • Demographics: Characteristics like age, gender, country or language.
    • Device Info: Information about devices people use (example: device model, browser or app version).
    • User Properties: Custom user details. For example, an airline might create a user property of "frequent flyer status." Learn how to create user properties.
    • App Install Source: The way a person found and installed your app. Learn more about app install sources.
    • Web Parameters: Information related to web events, such as referrer domain. For example, a company might use this to see people who come to their website from a specific web domain (example: www.facebook.com).

    Depending on the parameters you'd like to use, you may be able to choose different operators (example: is, is not, contains, does not contain and so on) to customize your filter.

  3. Refine the condition you selected and add more filters as needed.
  4. Check the percentage of your audience included in this view and update your filter as needed. Here's an example:

    If you see an error message in your charts, you may need to choose a less granular filter.

  5. Click and select Save Filter, then name your filter and click Save Filter to confirm. You can also click away from the filter to preview without saving.

    Not all roles can save filters. Even if you can't save the filter you created, you can still share it.

Now that you've created a filter, you can explore other sections with your new filtered view of Facebook Analytics. You can remove the filter from your view by clicking X on the filter.

Note: If you see an error message in a chart, you can troubleshoot it.

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You can apply saved filters in Facebook Analytics to view more granular information, when available.

To apply a saved filter in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Near the top of your screen, click Add Filter.
  2. Select a saved filter from the list.

Now that you've applied a filter, you can explore other sections of Facebook Analytics with your new filtered view. You can remove it by clicking X on the filter.

Note: If you see an error message, like All Other or Unknown in a chart, you can troubleshoot it.

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You can share Facebook Analytics filters, both before and after you save them.

Saved filters

After you create a filter and save it, anyone who can see the analytics entity you created the filter for will be able to see and use your saved filter.

Unsaved filters

You may want to share an unsaved filter, for example, if you just want to show someone a particular filtered view that you won't need in the future, or to get their feedback before saving it.

To share an unsaved filter:

  1. Create the filter in the relevant section of Facebook Analytics that you'd like to share.
  2. Copy the resulting URL from your web browser and share it.

Note: The person receiving your filtered view may not be able to see some information, like purchase data, depending on their role and permissions.

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You can create Custom Audiences from filters, saved or unsaved, in Facebook Analytics. You can create Custom Audiences for apps, pixels and event source groups that only contain apps and pixels. You may not be able to create a Custom Audience from all filter options.

A Custom Audience lets you show ads to people who already know your business on Facebook, and are Facebook users.

In Facebook Analytics, you can use saved or unsaved filters to create a Custom Audience, which you may later select when you define an Audience in Facebook Ads Manager, or when you boost a post, so long as the audience is large enough and valid for your campaign.

For example, in Facebook Analytics, you can create a filter for the top 10% of purchasers by value. You can then create a Custom Audience from that filter. You don't need to save the filter, though you can if you'd like to use it later. When you create your next campaign, you can choose to show your ads to your Custom Audience, so long as Facebook already finished the audience creation process.

Note: New Custom Audiences may take up to 1 hour to become available.

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You can create Custom Audiences from filters, saved or unsaved, in Facebook Analytics. You can create Custom Audiences for apps, pixels and groups that only contain apps and pixels. If you have access to Pages and Instagram event sources in Facebook Analytics, you can also create Custom Audiences from these event sources and associated groups. You may not be able to create a Custom Audience from all filter options.

You can create a Custom Audience from a saved or unsaved filter in Facebook Analytics. You can select your Custom Audience when you create your ad campaign.

To create a Custom Audience in Facebook Analytics:

  1. Either create the filter you'd like to use, or select an existing, saved filter. You can save any new filters you create.
  2. Click , and select Create Custom Audience.
  3. Name your Custom Audience.
  4. Specify the following options:
    • Ad Account: The Facebook Ads Manager account associated with your Custom Audience.
    • Filter: Select Use Current Filter or a saved filter that you'll use to create your Custom Audience.
    • In the: Select the time period for people to qualify for your Custom Audience.
  5. Click Create Custom Audience. If you can't create a Custom Audience with your current filter selection, you may need to update your filter. You may not be able to create a Custom Audience from all filter options.

We'll start creating your audience. Click View Audiences to view, edit or delete this audience in Audience Manager.

Note: New Custom Audiences may take up to one hour to become available. Event-based Custom Audiences are a type of Engagement Custom Audience, which means this audience's size may change as people's engagement changes.

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A Lookalike Audience is an audience created by Facebook to help you reach people similar to one of your Custom Audiences.

You can use a Lookalike Audience to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to your current customers.


Once you create a Custom Audience of users who installed your app, you can then create a Lookalike Audience so people who are similar to the users who installed your app, or had a conversion, can be included in your ad campaign.

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You can create a Lookalike Audience from a Custom Audience to reach people with your ad campaigns who are similar to your existing customers.

Once you've created a Custom Audience from a filter in Facebook Analytics, read Create a Lookalike Audience for the next steps.

Note: Newly created audiences may take up to 1 hour to become available.

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