Enroll in Blueprint eLearning courses to build a more effective Facebook presence

High-Quality Live Video With the API
Tap into the Live API to mix different audio and video sources, and incorporate special effects. Make videos more interactive by accessing comments, reactions, and mentions. Stream long-form video and schedule Live broadcasts up to a week in advance.
Engaging Storytelling with Instant Articles
Instant Articles enable publishers to reach and engage mobile audiences on Facebook by delivering fast, immersive experiences. Learn how Instant Articles work, from the innovative storytelling tools to production to measuring traffic and engagement.
Connect and Engage With Your Audience Using Facebook Live
Facebook Live is a way for people to broadcast to the world in real time from their mobile devices. Learn about the different types of content you can discuss on Live and best practices on what to do before, during, and after your broadcast.
How Journalists Can Best Utilize Facebook and Instagram
How journalists can use Facebook and Instagram to discover and distribute content, engage with their audience, and safety measures they can take to ensure their information is secure.
Use Facebook Groups to Engage Your Audience
This course teaches journalists and publishers how they can use Facebook Groups to engage audiences, source content for news stories and provide spaces for conversation and topical discussion. In partnership with The Poynter Institute.
Content Discovery and Social Monitoring with CrowdTangle
This course teaches journalists and publishers how they can use CrowdTangle to source content for stories, and track the performance of their own Pages and accounts as well as those of their competitors. In partnership with The Poynter Institute.