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For the Disabled

Submit the application


8 (800) 775-00-00,
ext. 1 (in tone mode), 
free in Russia

+7 (499) 605-20-00
worldwide, payment in accordance with the tariffs of your service provider

e-mail: [email protected]

The Mobility Assistance Centre at Russian Railways operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Mobility Assistance Centre provides information about the services offered to passengers with disabilities and accepts the following applications:

Applications for Accompaniment and Assistance at Stations

Applications must be submitted no later than 24 hours before the train’s departure.

Applications may be submitted by limited mobility passengers with Category I and Category II disabilities, including those with long-term visual, hearing and mobility impairments, children with disabilities, as well as passengers travelling on stretchers who have temporary physical impairments or severe visual impairments or who require a wheelchair, walking aid or other means of getting around.

More information on the services offered to passengers with limited mobility who have submitted the relevant request to the Mobility Assistance Centre for accompaniment and assistance at stations can be found here.

Applications for Reserving Seats for Persons with Disabilities People on Long-Distance and High-Speed Trains

Applications must be submitted no later than three days before the train’s departure.

Applications are reviewed within three days of receipt.

Applications may be submitted by:

  • Passengers requiring a wheelchair or stretcher as of the day on which tickets are released for sale.

A document confirming that the passenger requires a wheelchair or stretcher (individual rehabilitation programme other document) must be presented at the ticket office when purchasing a ticket.

  • Passengers of all disability categories and passengers who require urgent travel to/from medical institutions in cases where, for medical reasons, they need to be isolated from contact with persons who may have an infectious disease are required to purchase tickets ten days prior to the departure of long-distance trains and ten days from the first day of sales of tickets on Sapsan high-speed trains.

One of the following must be presented when purchasing a ticket: a disability certificate; a certificate from a disability evaluation board; a social security disability medical exam certificate; an individual rehabilitation programme; or a document from a healthcare facility confirming the need to eliminate contacts with persons who may have an infectious disease.

Applications to Register a Person with a Disability Requiring a Wheelchair so that they can Purchase Electronic Tickets for Priority Seats on long-distance and High-Speed Trains via the Russian Railways Website

Applications may be submitted by passengers who require a wheelchair or stretcher.

The procedure of registration in the Centre for the promotion of mobility.

 The registration process takes a maximum of two days for applications sent by email or four days for applications submitted at a ticket office.

Applications for the Inclusion of a Carriage with Seats for Persons with Disabilities in Passenger Trains (on trains that do not have such a carriage)

Application deadline: applications should be submitted no earlier than 60 (90) days prior to the train’s departure. Applications submitted after the start of sales will be considered, but, from a technical standpoint, the possibility of having a carriage attached to a train will be significantly limited.

Applications will be accepted until 14 business days before the train’s departure.

Applications may be submitted by passengers who require a wheelchair or stretcher.

A document confirming that the passenger requires a wheelchair or stretcher (individual rehabilitation programme or other document) must be presented at the ticket office when purchasing a ticket.

Applications are reviewed on an individual basis depending on the number of available carriages and the possibility of adding or replacing a carriage:

  • no more than five business days for applications submitted before the first day of ticket sales;
  • no more than ten business days for applications submitted after ticket sales have begun.

Applications for Services to Help Board Commuter Trains at Stations with High Platforms (pilot project)

Applications must be submitted three days (but no later than one day) before the services are to be provided.

Applications may be submitted by passengers with Category I and Category II disabilities, passengers with long-term visual and mobility impairments, children with disabilities and passengers with temporary physical impairments, in wheelchairs or using crutches or walking aids.

More information on the pilot project can be found here.

A copy of the tariff schedule and route maps is available free of charge for passengers with disabilities and accompanying persons upon presentation of the relevant documents.