Dear users! You are on the new web portal of Russian Railways

Passenger information

Our web-site and RZD Passengers App (hereinafter referred to as the "App") provide a natural person with an opportunity to order and pay for the e-tickets (no fees charged) using his/her bank card.

The web-site also provides an opportunity to pay for the e-tickets using your Yandex.Money e-wallet – but this option is valid only for the trains of the Directorate for High-speed Services (DHSS).

These regulations contain all the key terms governing the sale and return of the e-tickets.

Nota bene! When booking and returning the e-tickets you are recommended to use the following browsers: Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla FireFox 57, Google Chrome 49, Opera 36, YaBrowser 17 or later versions of such browsers.

After the e-ticket is paid a relevant control coupon is generated. The control coupon is a limited-issue document but it may not be used to board a train.

Any tickets for the long-distance trains departing on or after August 01, 2018 Specify only the local time of the station of departure and station of destination.

In order to use the rail services:

  • register online on the following web-site: and get an electronic boarding pass (if any online registration is provided for the relevant train).
    If you registered online for any of the following trains servicing the domestic and international routes: No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow, No. 17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow; No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow; No. 23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow; and the trains servicing the routes Russia  Finland, then you board a train upon presentation to the car attendant of a hard copy (А4 format) e-ticket (boarding pass), or of an e-ticket on your mobile device display, and an identification paper of a passenger named in the e-ticket (as regards children under 14 y.o. boarding the domestic trains, they may board a train upon presentation of a notarized copy of their Birth Certificate).

If you registered online for the train servicing the international route No.9/10 Moscow – Warsaw – Moscow and for the trains servicing the routes No. 6 Moscow – Ulaanbaatar, No. 306 Irkutsk – Ulaanbaatar with the departure date on or after October 01, 2018, then you board a car upon presentation to the attendant of a hard copy (А4 format) e-ticket (boarding pass) and an identification paper of the passenger named in the e-ticket .

If you registered online for the train servicing the routes between Russia and Latvia, Russia and Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, Russia and Lithuania, Russia and Moldova, Russia and Estonia, Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, Russia and Abkhazia, then you board a car upon presentation to the car attendant of an identification paper of the passenger named when buying an e-ticket. When boarding a train you should have a hard copy (A4 format) e-ticket (boarding pass). Note: if you board a train departing from Vilnius, you should have a hard copy (А4 format) e-ticket (boarding coupon) with you.

  • or get a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form at a ticket office or a self-service terminal WITHIN THE TERRITORY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. To get information on the open hours of the ticket offices, check the section Ticket Offices and Terminals.
    The boarding pass for any train servicing the international routes (to/from the non-CIS countries) printed on a ticket form may be acquired in the ticket offices selling the tickets for the international destinations and self-service terminals only within the territory of the Russian Federation.
    The passenger inspection is carried out within the scope of the measures related to the Comprehensive Program For Ensuring Safety On Transport implemented at the train stations, therefore, to avoid missing a train, please arrive at the station beforehand but not later than 40 minutes before departure.

The unused e-ticket may be returned as follows:

  • in a personal account of the customer on the web-site
  • in a ticket office carrying out the return operations situated within the Russian Federation upon presentation of a control coupon or a number of the e-ticket/order and the identification papers of the passenger named in the e-ticket in accordance with the relevant return periods. Any unused e-tickets for the international destinations (to/from the non-CIS countries) are returned only in the ticket offices selling tickets for the international destinations.
  • the unused e-tickets for the international trains servicing the following routes: the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, may be returned in the ticket offices situated within the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Estonia as follows: in case of the online registration – the e-ticket must be returned at least 1 hour before the departure of the train from the first station of the route; in case no online registration took place – within 1 hour after the departure of the train from the passenger’s boarding station. The monetary funds are returned in the ticket offices within the Russian Federation regardless of the payment method under a supporting document confirming the return of the seats/berths.

When an e-ticket boarding coupon is acquired in a ticket office or via a self-service terminal, the online registration is automatically cancelled. The passenger boards the train only upon presentation of a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form obtained in a ticket office (terminal) and an identification paper of a person whose details are specified on the e-ticket (as regards children under 14 y.o., they board a train upon presentation of the notarized copy of their Birth Certificate).

As regards booking the e-tickets without an online registration for the purpose of leaving from the stations within the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, the passenger should get a boarding pass printed out on an approved template in the ticket offices or self-service terminals within the Russian Federation.

Our website does not provide any opportunities for:

  • the reservation of the seats/berths without paying the relevant fare
  • the booking of the e-tickets for any categories of citizens entitled to the discounts
  • the booking of the free e-tickets for the children under 5 y.o., accompanied by the adults, without booking a separate seat when such children are departing from the stations within the territory of Ukraine
  • the booking of the e-tickets for the trains servicing the international routes to/from the non-CIS countries (except for the following trains: No. 9/10 Moscow – Warsaw – Moscow, No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow, No.17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow, No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow, No. 23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow, No. 6 Moscow – Ulaanbaatar, No. 306 Irkutsk – Ulaanbaatar, and the trains servicing the routes Russia Finland, Belarus – Poland, Belarus – Bulgaria. 
  • the booking of the e-tickets for travelling on the trains of the following carrier: Crimea Railways, SUE (State Unitary Enterprise)
  • the booking of the transportation of the small pets, dogs and birds (except for the trains of JSC "FPC" as well as the trains where the cost of travel comprises the cost of transportation and is to be paid concurrently with any payments for the e-ticket)
  • the baggage registration (except for the trains of JSC "FPC").

 The App does not provide the following options:

  • the reservation of the seats/berths without paying the relevant fare
  • the booking of the e-tickets for any categories of citizens entitled to the discounts
  • the booking of the free e-tickets for the children under 5 y.o., accompanied by the adults, without booking a separate seat when such children are departing from the stations within the territory of Ukraine
  • booking of the e-tickets to the JSC FPC trains servicing the routes to/from the Kaliningrad region from/to the other territories of the Russian Federation with transit through the Republic of Lithuania
  • booking the e-tickets for the international trains servicing the routes to/from the non-CIS countries (except for the following trains: No. 9/10 Moscow – Warsaw – Moscow, No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow, No.17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow, No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow, No. 23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow, No. 32/31 Moscow – Helsinki – Moscow, and the high-speed Allegro trains servicing the route St.Petersburg – Helsinki – St.Petersburg as well as the trains servicing the routes Belarus - Poland, Belarus – Bulgaria) and the trains with the departure date on or after October 01, 2018 servicing the routes No. 6 Moscow – Ulaanbaatar, No. 306 Irkutsk – Ulaanbaatar, and a direct car servicing the route Irkutsk – Erdenet)
  • the booking of the e-tickets for travelling on the trains of the following carrier: Crimea Railways, SUE (State Unitary Enterprise)
  • booking the transportation of the small pets, dogs and birds (except for the trains where the cost of travel comprises the cost of transportation and is to be paid concurrently with any payments for the e-ticket)
  • baggage registration.

If you have any questions concerning booking of the e-tickets via JSCo "RZD" web-site and RZD Passenger App, write to [email protected]. To check the ticket status, provide your login or e-mail used to book the tickets; date and time of booking; order No., or in case of absence of the latter - specify the route and train No.; surname, name, patronymic of the passenger. Our Support Service is ready to help you 24/7.

1. Rules for ordering e-tickets online

2. E-ticket particulars

3. Non-refundable tariffs

4. Entering passenger data

5. The location of the upper and lower seats in standard type carriages

6. Schemes of the carriages servicing the international routes (routes to/from Europe except Finland)

6.1 Schemes of the international carriages of Lev Tolstoy train No. 32/31 Moscow – Helsinki

6.2 Schemes of the seats in the carriages of the train No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin

7. Paying for the e-tickets

8. Obtaining your e-ticket

8.1 Online registration of an e-ticket

8.2 Obtaining a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form

9. Booking places for children

9.1 Booking e-tickets for the intramural pupils and boarders of 10+ y.o. of the comprehensive education institutions of the Russian Federation

10. Passport, administrative (visa) and customs regulations

11. Booking the e-tickets for the trains servicing the routes to the Kaliningrad region

12. Boarding the train

13. Returning the unused e-tickets and obtaining refunds

13.1 Returning the unused e-tickets using the passenger"s personal account on the web-site

13.2 Returning the unused e-tickets to a ticket office

14. E-ticket travel renewal in case a passenger missed a train

15. Stopovers under the e-tickets

16. Termination of a travel under an e-ticket

17. Rebooking of the electronic tickets

18. Drawing up the electronic carriage documents

19. Mobile e-ticket booking service

1. Rules for ordering e-tickets online

The e-ticket can be booked online not later than 1 hour before the train departs from the passenger’s boarding station. As regards the long-distance trains equipped with the e-ticket validity monitoring device servicing the domestic routes including the trailing and through coaches and the trains servicing the international routes except for the transportation to the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia - the e-ticket may be booked online not later than 15 minutes before the passenger departs from his/her boarding station.
The e-tickets may be booked for the trains servicing the following routes:

  • the domestic routes within the territory of the Russian Federation (operated by the Russian Railways, the Federal Passenger Company, Sakhalin Passenger Company OJSC, Grand Service Express CJSC, Tverskoi Express Ltd., Trans Class Service JSC, Yakutia Railways JSC), and starting from December 19, 2017 - for the trains servicing the routes to/from the Kaliningrad region with transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania
  • the international routes to the CIS countries (i.e.: the Republic of Azerbaijan – when travelling through the territory of Russia; the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Moldova), the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Abkhazia
  • the following trains servicing the international routes (to/from the non-CIS countries):
  • No. 9/10 Moscow – Warsaw – Moscow
  • No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow
  • No. 17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow
  • No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow
  • No. 23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow
  • No. 6 Moscow – Ulaanbaatar
  • No.306 Irkutsk – Ulaanbaatar
  • the trains servicing the routes Russia Finland
  • the trains servicing the routes Belarus – Poland, Belarus – Bulgaria.

Before booking your e-ticket you must either undergo authentication on the web-site or register. You should memorize your personal password to be able to check up any information about your orders.

When booking an e-ticket the details of the journey and the personal data of each passenger must be entered in the relevant fields. The user making the order is fully responsible for entering the correct travel details and personal data of each passenger.

Subject to the availability of the vacant seats/berths, the e-tickets may be obtained using the Express system within the following periods.
The e-tickets are issued at the Adult and Child fares and they also are issued free of charge to any child of the age specified in Section 8 not occupying a separate seat/berth.

The e-tickets for the trains servicing the international routes (to/from the non-CIS routes) are issued at a Single rate approved for the 1 class and Luxury (business) carriages (1У;1/1, 1И;1/1 and 1А;1/1). The passenger who booked an e-ticket at a Single rate travels in an individual compartment of 1 class carriage (Luxury (business) carriages).

As regards the trains No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow, No.17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow; No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow; No.23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow: the e-tickets are issued at various special and general rate schedules (Adult, Child, Child-No seat/berth, Senior (over 60), Junior (12 to 25 (incl.)), Family (two passengers, Luxury carriage compartment), Festive (birthday +/- 7 days), Wedding (for the newlyweds, available during 1 month after the wedding date for the Luxury carriages and sleeping coaches). To use one of the special fares when booking an e-ticket, please, choose the relevant rate schedule in the "Rate" section.

No more than 4 e-tickets showing the personal data of 4 passengers may be issued within the scope of one order.

In order to avoid misunderstandings and arriving late for the trains, when booking the seats/berths for the journeys involving any changes, the passengers should select an interval of not less than 3 hours between the train arrival and departure time.

No e-tickets may be booked and returned via the web-site and the App when the Express system is down for the routine maintenance.

2. E-ticket particulars

The seats and berths in the different types of carriages must be booked as different orders, specifying the male and female places in the compartment and sleeping carriages; only one option - male, female or mixed - may be specified within one order. To avoid any conflicts on the train, the passengers must make their choice of the berths in the compartment being guided by the sex of the passenger ("male" or "female").

The e-tickets for the high-speed Sapsan trains may be booked as one order applying the different special and general rate schedules (Adult, Child, Child-No seat, Senior, Junior, Round Trip, Voyage and e-cards, Business Travel Voucher). One passenger may apply only one special or general fare. The special fare discounts are applied only to the fare net of the service fee. To apply one of the special fares, please, choose the relevant fare in the "Fare" section when booking the e-tickets.
When booking the meeting space compartment ("1Р" service class) of the high-speed Sapsan trains, the passenger ordering an e-ticket must pay for the whole compartment, in which one or four passengers can travel, and the personal details of each passenger must be specified. When the e-ticket is issued for one person, it shall be issued for 4 berths. When two passengers are planning to travel in a meeting space compartment, then one of them is issued an e-ticket for one berths, and the other one - an e-ticket for 3 berths. When three passengers are planning to travel in a meeting space compartment, then the first and the second passenger are issued the e-tickets for one berth each, and the third passenger is issued the e-ticket for two berths. When four passengers are planning to travel in a meeting space compartment, then each of them is issued the e-ticket for one berth. The fare amount depends on the number of berths specified in the e-ticket, and the service fee is calculated on the basis of the number of the passengers. The booked e-tickets are not subject to any modifications.

When placing an order for a VIP carriage ("soft" category, "1A", "1M" or "1H" service class), in case any domestic travels are a part of the international routes to/from the CIS countries and the Baltic states, the e-ticket issued upon payment for the whole compartment, in which one or two passengers can travel. If two passengers travel in one compartment, the personal details of each passenger must be specified on the ticket.

The e-tickets for the sleeping carriages of the trains servicing the international routes (to/from the non-CIS countries) are issued to the Luxury Business class, 1st and 2nd class carriages:

  • the Luxury (business) class carriages are Luxury carriages, 1А; 1/2 service classes
  • the first class carriage is a sleeping carriage (СВ), 1Л; 1/2 service classes
  • the 2 class carriage is:
  • the RIC carriage, 2И; 2/3 service classes - for the carriages with a three-berth compartment
  • the compartment carriage, 2К; 2/4 and 2Л; 2/4 service classes - for the carriages with a four-berth compartment.

The travel documents for the Luxury (business) carriages of the trains servicing the international routes (to/from the non-CIS countries) are issued for all the compartment berths at a time. When two passengers are travelling in one compartment the personal data of each of them shall be specified.

When booking a ticket for the train No. 31 Helsinki – Moscow and for the high-speed Allegro trains servicing the route Helsinki – St.Petersburg, one order may comprise 4 persons paying one and the same fare. In such case one e-ticket is issued for all the people specified in the order.

When placing an order for a compartment, sleeping carriage, VIP carriages and Luxury (business) carriages owned by JSC FPC (including Trans Class Service JSC carriages), Grand Service Express, Transportation Company, CJSC, Tverskoi Express Ltd. and the Sakhalin Passenger Company OJSC, the e-ticket fare includes a charge for the use of a set of bed linen. When placing an order for the second-class carriages owned by JSC FPC, the passengers may find it more convenient to pay for the use of the bed linen when paying for their ticket. If a passenger refused to pay the bed linen fee when booking an e-ticket, he/she may pay the relevant amount to the carriage attendant on board the train.

Fares for the trains servicing the international routes to/from:

  • the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Abkhazia are set in Swiss francs
  • the European countries (the non-CIS countries) are set in euros.

The fare is paid in rubles (RUB) via the web-site or the App at the official exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day you book your e-ticket.

The passengers receive the information about the owner of the carriage when they select the carriage.

As regards any trains departing from Ukraine, when the passenger reviews the information on the availability of the seats/berths, the system displays only approximate fares. The exact fare is displayed just before the passenger pays for the e-ticket.
The App does not provide an option to review the availability data and order the e-tickets for the trains of Ukranian Railways (Ukrzaliznytsia) going transit via the stations of JSCo "RZD". The tickets for such trains may only be bought in the ticket offices situated within the Russian Federation.

Ordering all the compartment berths by one passenger

In order to buy all the berths in a certain compartment of a compartment or a sleeping carriage for 1 passenger travelling within the Russian Federation, the passenger shall:

1. specify the passenger personal data twice - for the sleeping carriages, and 4 times - for the compartment carriages (i.e. for each berth)

2. choose the option "one compartment" or specify the certain berth numbers of one compartment in the section "berths - from - to"

3. pay for all the berths comprised in one order.

3. Non-refundable tariffs

From the date of sale from 20 January 2019, booking electronic tickets for journeys in sleeping carriages, compartment carriages and carriages with seats is possible at non-refundable tariffs* – tariffs that do not provide for fare refunds when returning unused tickets.

On the list of trains and carriages, a special icon is displayed next to that carriage where seats/berths can be booked at a non-refundable fare. The icon indicates the minimum ticket price for the Full (Non-refundable) fare.

On the passenger data entry page, select the Full (Non-refundable) tariff. When buying tickets for children from 5 to 10 years of age select Children (Non-refundable). If a child under 5 years of age occupies a separate seat/berth when travelling on a long-distance train, a ticket is issued for him/her at the Children’s (Non-refundable) fare.

Booking non-cash, school or preferential electronic tickets for long-distance trains at non-refundable tariffs is not possible.

Should a passenger fail to embark on a journey booked under an e-ticket purchased at the non-refundable fare, s/he is refunded the amount for services or bed linen. The cost of processing the refund is deducted.

Passengers who have booked e-tickets at non-refundable fares may make use of the same rules relating to stopping or interrupting a journey en route as any other passenger, as indicated in Part 2 of Article 83 of the Rail Transport Charter of the Russian Federation.

Re-booking e-tickets purchased at non-refundable tariffs is done on tickets purchased at non-refundable tariffs at ticket offices. A fee for re-booking is deducted.

The status “non-refundable” is indicated on the control coupon of the electronic ticket in the Tariff section for tickets booked at a non-refundable fare.
In the section Additional Information, the following text is displayed: THIS TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE.


The Federal Passenger Company (FPC) is providing passengers with refunds on non-refundable tickets in connection with the cancellation of a number of mass events in various Russian regions in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.
The refunds are available from 14 March to 10 April 2020.

All passengers who previously purchased tickets at non-refundable rates, but were forced to withdraw from their journeys, can submit their tickets to FPC ticket offices and electronic tickets to their personal account on the Russian Railways’ website in accordance with the current Rules for the Transportation of Passengers, Baggage and Cargo Luggage as approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

If a passenger planning a train journey has recently returned from a country where Covid-19 is widespread and is currently in quarantine, or has had contact with possible carriers of the infection, s/he can return the ticket after the restrictions have been lifted. In that event, passengers must present a certificate from the medical institution at the ticket office.
The fee for the return of a ticket, in this instance an electronic ticket, is 210.60 roubles.

4. Entering passenger data

Please be careful when filling in the details of all the passengers on the order. Make sure that the information you entered is correct before proceeding to payment.

Input format for the new Russian passports (ПН):

  • Series: four digits; number: six digits. The number of spaces is not important.

Input format for the USSR Passports (ПС):

  • Series: Roman numerals (using the Latin alphabet), two letters of the Cyrillic alphabet; number: six digits. Number of dashes and spaces is not important.

Input format for the international passports (ЗП):

  • Number: 9 digits.

Input format for the Russian Birth Certificates (СР):

  • Series: Roman numerals (using the Latin alphabet), two letters of the Cyrillic alphabet; number: six digits. Number of dashes and spaces is not important.

When booking the e-tickets, a Birth Certificate is used only for the Russian Federation citizens under 14.

When entering the number of the identity paper, the symbol "№" [No.] is excessive.

Information on passports or birth certificates issued to foreign nationals must be entered indicating the type of document - a foreign document (ЗЗ).

The passenger’s personal data must comply with the data specified in his/her identity document. If your personal data in the document are in two versions (Russian and the Latin alphabet), when filling in orders information must be entered in Russian when travelling on domestic Russian routes and services to/from CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Abkhazia. Information should be entered using the Latin alphabet when ordering tickets on long-distance international routes.

If a passenger specifies a number of the member of the RZD BONUS loyalty program when booking the ticket and his/her international passport details, then he/she should write his/her surname, name and patronymic only in the Latin alphabet.

In case of an error in the personal data of the passengers or their identity documents, you must enter the correct information before the payment.

The person making the order bears full responsibility for entering the correct travel details and personal data of each passenger.

Please be aware that in the event of an error when entering the identity document numbers or other personal data, the passenger will be unable to get a boarding pass (travel document) in the ticket office and board the train.

5. The location of the upper and lower seats in standard type carriages

Type of car Number of compartment Berth No.
lower / upper
Side berth No.
lower / upper

Л (Sleeping carriages)
double berth compartment
with couchettes

1 (near the attendant’s place)

1, 2 / -


3, 4 / -


5, 6 / -


7, 8 / -


9, 10 / -


11, 12 / -


13, 14 / -


15, 16 / -


17, 18 / -

К (compartment carriage)
4-berth compartment
with couchettes

1 (near the attendant’s place)

1, 3 / 2, 4


5, 7 / 6, 8


9, 11 / 10, 12


13, 15 / 14, 16


17, 19 / 18, 20


21, 23 / 22, 24


25, 27 / 26, 28


29, 31 / 30, 32


33, 35 / 34, 36


37, 39 / 38, 40

П (Open carriage)
open-plan carriage with couchettes

1 (near the attendant’s place)

1, 3 / 2, 4

53 / 54


5, 7 / 6, 8

51 / 52


9, 11 / 10, 12

49 / 50


13, 15 / 14, 16

47 / 48


17, 19 / 18, 20

45 / 46


21, 23 / 22, 24

43 / 44


25, 27 / 26, 28

41 / 42


29, 31 / 30, 32

39 / 40


33, 35 / 34, 36

37 / 38

6. Schemes of the international carriages (routes to/from Europe except Finland and trains No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow)

RIC Luxury carriages (Lux, 1А; 1/2 service classes)





Berth No.








attendant’s service compartment






side passage

RIC 1 class carriages, compartment berths - lower, upper ("СВ", 1Л; 1/2 service classes)













Berth No.

attendant’s service compartment























side passage

RIC 1 class carriages, compartment berths - 2 lower ("СВ", 1Л; 1/2 service classes)












Berth No.

attendant’s service compartment


11 12

21 22

31  32

41 42

51 52

61 62

71 72

81 82


side passage

RIC 2 class carriages, compartment berths, 3 passengers ("СВ", 2И; 2/3 service class)












Berth No.

compartment of
the attendant





































side passage

RIC 2 class carriages, compartment berths, 4 passengers ("Сompartment", 2К; 2/4 service class)









attendant’s compartment



15 16

11 12

25 26

21 22

35 36

31 32

45 46

41 42

55 56

51 52

65 66

61 62

75 76

71 72

85 86

81 82

side passage

Please note! When you buy tickets for the trains of the foreign carriers travelling outside the Russian Federation, you are not able to view the carriage schemes.

6.1. Schemes of the international carriages of Lev Tolstoy train No. 32/31 Moscow – Helsinki

RIC , Luxury (Business) class carriages (Lux, 1А; 1/2 service classes)





Berth No.











side passage

RIC, 1 class carriages (СВ, 1Л; 1/2 service classes)










Berth No.


1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

side passage

RIC, 2 class carriages (Compartment, 2Л; 2/4 service classes)









Berth No.



2 4

1 3

6 8

5 7

10 12

9 11

14 16

13 15

18 20

17 19

22 24

21 23

26 28

25 27

30 32

29 31

side passage

6.2. Schemes of the seats in the carriage, train No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin

Luxury 1 class carriage (3 compartments with a shower, one - for the disabled people)

I *











side passage

*compartment for disabled

Luxury 1 class carriage (5 compartments with a shower)


















side passage

1 class carriage (6 compartments)





















side passage

2 class carriage (5 compartments)

I *







25 26

35 36

45 46

55 56



21 22

31 32

41 42

51 52

side passage

* double berth compartment

1 class carriage with seats

by a window








in a passage

near a passage







by a window








7. Payment of e-tickets

7.1. Payment by a bank card

You can pay for your e-tickets using the following bank cards: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro bank, issued by the international payment systems Visa International and MasterCard International as well as a bank card issued by Mir, a national payment system. Payment by a bank card is made after the order is verified and confirmed by redirecting you to the payment gateway of the bank VTB (PJSC). You will have 12 minutes to pay and enter your bank card details. If you exceed this period, your order is cancelled.

When paying for the order, please, enter the following bank card details: the first name and surname of the bank card holder, the card number, card expiry date and the card’s three-digit code (CVV2 or CVC2). For any details on the online payments using your bank card, or to get to know the reasons why your payment has been rejected, please contact your bank’s support service in the first place.

The security of the payment procedure is ensured by SSL, a protocol for encrypting traffic sent over the Internet.

Peculiarities of Payments Made Using Visa Electron and Maestro:

Make sure that your card has the CVV2 (CVC2) code on the reverse side of the bank card.

Note for the holders of the cards issued by the foreign banks! In accordance with the requirements of the international payment systems, in order to improve security when making payments, 3D Secure/Secure Code technology (a special technology for making secure payments via the Internet) is used. If your bank does not have the appropriate certificate required to use this technology, you may not be able to make your payment. If your payment is rejected, please contact customer support of the bank that issued your card.

In accordance with the requirements of 3D Secure/Secure Code technology, when processing payment for the order, the Issuing Bank may require the Cardholder to undergo additional identification. The need for and the method of the additional identification are determined by the Issuing Bank at its own discretion. To get more information on the identification procedure the Card Holders should contact the customer support of the bank that issued their card.

For more information please contact the support service at VTB (PJSC): 8-800-100-24-24.

If due to some reasons you did not receive a number of the order or of the e-ticket or a confirmation of the successful order generation, before trying to make a new order, please check My Orders section and make sure that the order was not generated.

In the event of any issues concerning the debiting of funds when paying for the e-tickets, please contact the bank which issued your card (the phone number is given on the reverse side of your card). VTB (PJSC) is an acquirer bank (it provides services involving transactions made using the payment cards), contact phone No.: 8-800-100-24-24.

6.2 E-wallet payment

The e-tickets for the trains of the Directorate for High-speed Services (a branch of JSCo "RZD") may be paid using the digital cash.

The e-wallet account may be topped up using the bank cards, teller terminals and payment terminals.

You will have 12 minutes to pay for the order and enter your e-wallet details. If you exceed this period, your order is cancelled.

The maximum payment amounts depend on the e-wallet identification status.

In case of the anonymous e-wallets the amount of the payment transaction may not exceed RUB 15,000.

The anonymous e-wallets are the wallets of the payers who entered the minimum mandatory details during the registration.

In case of the identified e-wallets the amount of the payment transaction may not exceed RUB 60,000.

The identified e-wallets are the wallets of the payers who entered the minimum mandatory data during the e-wallet registration and also provided their surname, name and patronymic, specified the date of issue of their passport and details on the issuing authority as well as the payer’s INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) or SNILS (Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account).

In case of the reviewed e-wallets the amount of the payment transaction may not exceed RUB 250,000.

If due to some reasons you did not receive a number of the order or of the e-ticket or a confirmation of the successful order generation, before trying to make a new order, please check My Orders section and make sure that the order was not generated.

In case of any issues related to the debiting of the funds when paying for the e-tickets, please, contact "Yandex.Money", NBCO LLC (which processes the transactions conducted using Yandex.Money): tel. +7 (495) 974-35-86, feedback form.

8. Obtaining your e-ticket

After paying for your e-ticket, an e-ticket control coupon is generated which contains the number of your order (14 digits) and the e-ticket number (14 digits). If your order comprises only one ticket, the numbers of the order and of the e-ticket match. If the order is for 2-4 passengers, the numbers of the order and of the e-ticket match only in case of the first passenger.

The control coupon of the electronic ticket is sent to the e-mail address specified in the registered user’s profile. The e-mail is sent automatically.

Be sure to print out the e-ticket control coupon or make sure that you memorize the order/e-ticket number.

In accordance with Decree No. 322 issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 2012 the control coupon is a limited-issue document which is used for making payments using the bank cards without any cash register equipment.

The e-ticket control coupons are not valid without a boarding pass. In order to obtain your boarding pass, please register online via your personal account on the website of JSCo "RZD" or obtain a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form at a ticket office or any self-service terminal within the territory of the Russian Federation.

The user booking the e-tickets acts on behalf of all passengers named on the order, and therefore all passengers named on the order are deemed to be informed of the terms of boarding and travel by rail.

8.1 Online registration of an e-ticket

The online registration for the train is represented by the passenger"s consent to travel by train under a carriage contract which is confirmed by an e-ticket. If you registered online, you will be issued a boarding pass and the e-ticket control coupon.

Starting from December 01, 2013 you may register online when buying any e-ticket for boarding at any station throughout the relevant route.

If no online registration is provided for a train, such train is marked with a sign "No online registration available. Please, get a ticket in a ticket office situated in Russia".

The e-tickets may be booked via the web-site not later than 1 hour before the train departs from the passenger’s boarding station. In case of the long-distance trains equipped with the e-tickets validity monitoring device servicing the domestic routes including the trailing and through coaches and the abovementioned trains servicing the international routes except for the transportation to the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, the e-ticket may be booked online not later than 15 minutes before the passenger departs from his/her boarding station.

When boarding the train at any station throughout the route, the passenger should present to a car attendant a hard copy (A4 format) e-ticket (boarding pass) or its print screen on any mobile device as well as the passenger’s ID specified in the e-ticket.

As regards the train servicing the international route No.9/10 Moscow – Warsaw – Moscow and the trains No. 6 Moscow – Ulaanbaatar, No. 306 Irkutsk – Ulaanbaatar with the departure date on or after October 01, 2018 you board a train/car after presenting a hard copy (А4 format) e-ticket boarding pass and an identification paper of the passenger named on the e-ticket .

The online registration is available in the following cases:

  • when a train and a carriage are not marked with a note "No online registration available. Please, get a ticket in a ticket office situated in Russia".
  • while ordering the e-tickets after the Payment, concurrently for all the passengers specified in an order.
  • at any time later on via the passenger’s personal account.
  • for all the passengers named in the order - concurrently, and for any individual e-ticket in the order.

Your online registration may be cancelled (refused) not later than 1 hour before the train departs from the starting point of the route:

  • via your personal account on the web-site.

When the online registration is available for the trains servicing the domestic routes within the Russian Federation, the boarding passes may be obtained in a ticket office or a self-service terminal any time after the passenger obtains an e-ticket and before the train arrives at the passenger’s station of destination.

Please note: When the online registration is available for the trains servicing the routes between Russia and Latvia, Russia and Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, Russia and Lithuania, Russia and Estonia, Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Moldova, Russia and Tajikistan, Russia and Abkhazia, the boarding passes (tickets) may be obtained in the ticket offices or self-service terminals not later than 1 hour before the train departs from the starting point of the route.

Please note: As regards the following trains: No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow, No. 9/10 Moscow – Warsaw – Moscow, No. 17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow, No. 23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow, No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow, as well as trains No. 6 Moscow – Ulaanbaatar, No. 306 Irkutsk – Ulaanbaatar, and the trains servicing the routes Russia - Finland, if you registered online and want to cancel your e-ticket not later than 1 hour before the train departs from the starting point of the route and more than 6 hours before the train departs from your boarding station, the cost of the unused e-ticket is reimbursed using the complaint procedure.

Boarding under the e-tickets is organized in accordance with Section 11 provided the passenger registered online.

The e-tickets may be returned in accordance with Section 12 provided the passenger registered online.

8.2. Obtaining a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form

If you did not register online, or if the online registration is not available for the train you chose, then to be able to board the train you should receive a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form in a booking office situated within the Russian Federation equipped with an Express system terminal (hereinafter - the "ticket office") or in a self-service terminal situated only within the Russian Federation (you may check up the open hours of the ticket office in the section "Ticket Offices and Terminals"). A travel document for the international routes (to/from the non CIS-countries) may be obtained only in the relevant international route ticket offices within the Russian Federation, and the travel documents for the trains servicing the route Russia - Finland - Russia may be obtained both in the abovementioned ticket offices and in the self-service terminals.

Please note: print out the control coupon or memorize the e-ticket number (14 digits) which serves as grounds for issuing a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form.

If you lost the control coupon or forgot the e-ticket number, please, log in your personal account using your username and your password and find the relevant order. Print it out again when needed.

The e-ticket boarding passes are issued on the basis of a control coupon or an e-ticket/order number (14 digits) to one of the passengers named in the order upon presentation of the identity paper specified on the e-ticket, or to an Attorney-in-fact named in a Power of Attorney or a notarized copy thereof. The original Power of Attorney or the notarized copy thereof is transferred to a ticket agent.

You may obtain the e-ticket boarding passes for the whole order or for any certain e-ticket in the order in a ticket office or a self-service terminal.

As regards the e-tickets on one order booked for the several passengers using one and the same fare for any train servicing the route Finland - Russia, the ticket office or the self-service terminals print out one travel document containing the details of the first passenger.

The passengers’ personal data may not be changed while obtaining the boarding passes in the ticket office or in a self-service terminal.

No boarding passes (travel documents) are issued during the routine technological break of Express CPCS which starts at 3.30 a.m. and lasts till 4.00 a.m. Moscow time (till September 30: each Tuesday, from 3.30 a.m. till 4.07 a.m.).

9. Booking places for children

Please note: when children under 14 are boarding the train, they should present their original Birth Certificate or a notarized copy thereof.

No children under 10 are allowed to travel by the long-distance trains without an accompanying adult. A child"s age is determined as at the first day of the journey.

Children taking the domestic Russian routes and routes to/from the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Abkhazia:

  • The passenger who paid the Adult fare for the trip may take one child under 5 years old on a free of charge basis provided the child does not occupy a separate seat/berth. The child is then issued a free e-ticket not providing for a separate seat/berth and the relevant e-ticket is included in the order comprising the e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • If a passenger failed to book an e-ticket not providing for a separate seat/berth for a child under 5 y.o., he/she can obtain a free ticket at a ticket office by presenting an e-ticket (a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form) bought at the Adult fare.
  • At the request of the passenger, a child under the age of 5 can be issued an e-ticket providing for a seat/berth at the Child fare and such e-ticket will be included in the order comprising the e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • If case there are one or more children of 5 - 10 y.o. travelling, an e-ticket must be issued for each child by paying the Child fare.
  • A child of 5 - 10 y.o. must be issued an e-ticket providing for a separate seat/berth at the Child fare and such e-ticket will be included in the order comprising the e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • For children aged 10 and older, the e-tickets are issued at the Adult fare.

Please note: No free e-tickets not providing for a separate seat/berth for children under 5 accompanied by the adults departing from the stations within the territory of Ukraine may be booked via the web-site.

Children travelling by the international trains (servicing the routes from/to the non-CIS countries):

When travelling by the trains No. 9/10 Moscow – Warsaw – Moscow, No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow, No. 17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow, No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow, No. 23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow, No. 6 Moscow – Ulaanbaatar, No. 306 Irkutsk – Ulaanbaatar and a direct car servicing the route Irkutsk - Erdenet:

  • The passenger may take one child under 4 y.o. free of charge if the child does not occupy a separate seat/berth. In this case the child is issued a free e-ticket which does not provide for a separate seat/berth, and such e-ticket will be included in the order comprising the e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • If a passenger does not book an e-ticket not providing for a separate seat/berth for a child under 4 y.o., he/she can obtain a free ticket at a ticket office upon presenting an e-ticket (a travel document) bought at the Adult fare.
  • At the request of the passenger, a child under the age of 4 y.o. may be issued an e-ticket providing for a seat/berth at the Child fare and such e-ticket will be included in the order comprising the e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • If case there are one or more children of 4 - 12 y.o. travelling, an e-ticket must be issued for each child at the Child fare and such e-tickets must be included in the order comprising the e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • For the children of 12 and older, the e-tickets are issued at the Adult fare.

When travelling by the trains No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow, No. 17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow, No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow, No. 23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow:

  • if the first day of the journey falls on the child’s birthday and the child turns 4, such child travels free of charge (provided that he/she does not occupy a separate seat/berth)
  • if the first day of the journey falls on the child’s birthday and the child turns 12, the relevant travel documents are issued at the Child fare
  • if the passenger booked the tickets to the Luxury (business) carriage at the Adult-Single fare, he/she is entitled to take not more than two children under 12 y.o. on a free of charge basis (in case of the Strizh train No. 13/14 Moscow - Berlin - not more than one child of under 12) (up to the day when the child turns 12)
  • if two adult passengers travelling together booked the tickets to the Luxury (business) carriage at the Family fare, they are entitled to take not more than two children under 4 y.o. or one child under 12 y.o on a free of charge basis (up to the day when the child turns 4 or 12) (in case of the Strizh train No. 13/14 Moscow - Berlin - not more than two children under 4 y.o.)
  • each child travelling free of charge shall be issued a free travel document within the Russian Federation. The web-site provides an opportunity to book the free travel documents for travelling by the abovementioned trains only for the children under 4 y.o.
  • If the passenger does not book an e-ticket not providing for a separate seat/berth for a child under 4 (12) y.o., he/she may obtain a free travel document at the international route ticket office situated within the Russian Federation provided he/she has an e-ticket (boarding pass printed out on a ticket form) bought at the Adult fare.

No travel documents for the transportation of children are issued for the Single 1/1 category.

Children travelling to/from Finland:

  • The passengers may take one child under the age of 6 on a free of charge basis if the child does not occupy a separate seat/berth. In this case the child is issued a free e-ticket which does not provide for a separate seat/berth, and such e-ticket is included in the order comprising an e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • If the passenger does not book an e-ticket not providing for a separate seat/berth for a child under 6, he/she may obtain a free travel document at a ticket office provided that he/she has an e-ticket (travel document) bought at the Adult fare.
  • At the request of the passenger, a child under the age of 6 may be issued an e-ticket providing for a seat/berth at the Child fare and such e-ticket is included in the order comprising an e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • If case there are one or more children of 6 - 17 y.o. travelling, an e-ticket must be issued for each child at the Child fare and must be included in the order comprising an e-ticket bought at the Adult fare.
  • For the children aged 17 and older, the e-tickets are issued at the Adult fare.
  • If the passenger booked the tickets to the Luxury (business) carriage at the Adult-Single fare, he/she is entitled to take not more than 2 children under 6 y.o. on a free of charge basis, and in such case the children are issued the free travel documents within the Russian Federation. No free travel documents for the transportation of children are required outside the Russian Federation.

If two adult passengers travelling together booked the tickets to the Luxury (business) carriage compartment at the Adult fare, they are entitled to take not more than one child under 6 y.o. and such child is issued a free travel document within the Russian Federation. No free travel documents for the transportation of children are required outside the Russian Federation.

If the passenger failed to book an e-ticket not providing for a separate seat/berth for a child under 6 y.o., he/she may obtain a free travel document at the international route ticket office situated within the Russian Federation provided that he/she has an e-ticket (boarding pass printed out on a ticket form) bought at the Adult fare.

If the first day of the journey falls on the child’s birthday and the child turns 6, such child travels free of charge (provided that he/she does not occupy a separate seat/berth) if the first day of the journey falls on the child’s birthday and the child turns 17, the relevant travel documents are issued at the Child fare.

Transportation of the children on the trains servicing the route Belarus – Poland is performed in accordance with the Special Conditions of International Carriage (SCIC) for trips with travel tickets in the East-West traffic (EWT).

9.1. Booking e-tickets for the intramural pupils and boarders of 10+ of the comprehensive education institutions of the Russian Federation

During the period from September 01 to May 31 the pupils and boarders of 10+ attending the comprehensive education institutions of the Russian Federation are granted a discount of 50 % when travelling in the common, open carriages and carriages with seats of the high-speed and the long-distance passenger trains of JSC FPC servicing the domestic routes. The e-tickets may be booked via the web-site at the discount rate "For school pupils and boarders" only by the passenger who are under 18 y.o. as at the moment of the departure of the train. The passengers of 18+ may buy the tickets in a ticket office.

The intramural pupils and boarders do not have to present a certificate confirming their relevant status when buying a ticket in a ticket office or via the web-site but will have to present the same when boarding the train.

Please note: if the intramural pupil or boarder does not have a certificate confirming his/her status, he/she won’t be allowed to board the train.

For more information, please, see Discounts section.
The e-tickets for the intramural pupils and boarders of 10+ attending the comprehensive education institutions of the Russian Federation may be booked via the Train Tickets App.

10. Passport, administrative (visa) and customs regulations

The passenger must observe the passport-related and administrative (including the visa-related), customs and other regulations governing the travel by the trains servicing the international routes both in regard to himself/herself and his/her hand luggage, baggage and commercial luggage. The carrier is not entitled to monitor compliance with these regulations except in pursuance of the international agreements in the rail industry and is not responsible for the passengers’ failure to comply with such regulations.

Before booking any journeys on the international routes, please, check the rules and procedures for crossing the international borders (including those of the transit countries) with the relevant competent executive bodies or consular departments of the relevant embassies.

When children under the age of 18 are travelling on the international routes or on the domestic Russian routes with transit through the CIS countries ("TRANSIT THROUGH THE CIS"), the passengers must have the documents required when crossing the state borders, including the notarized consent of the parents (or the guardians) to their child’s crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

When travelling by the trains servicing the routes to/from the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Abkhazia, the passenger must present the following identity papers:

  • ПН - the Russian Federation passport
  • ЗП – an international passport issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation including any diplomatic and service passports
  • ЗЗ – a foreign document issued to the citizens of the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia and any foreign countries
  • ПМ – a seafarer"s certificate of identification.

When travelling by the trains servicing the routes to/from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia and the non-CIS countries, the passenger must present the following identity papers:

  • ЗП – an international passport issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation including any diplomatic and service passports
  • ЗЗ – a foreign document issued to the citizens of the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia and any foreign countries
  • ПМ – a seafarer"s certificate of identification.

11. Booking the e-tickets for the trains servicing the routes to the Kaliningrad region

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1486 On Amending the Regulations For Execution of the Passengers’ Travel Documents (Tickets) and the Procedure for the Passengers’ Boarding the Train Going Transit Through the Republic of Lithuania To/From the Kaliningrad Region From/To any Other Part of the Russian Federation dd December 07, 2017, starting from December 19, 2017 the e-tickets providing for the online registration for the trains of JSC FPC servicing the routes to/from the Kaliningrad region going transit through the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Lithuania may be booked via the web-site of JSCo "RZD".

The passenger may register online to board the train at any station of the route but the registration must be finished at least 15 minutes before the train departs from the passenger’s boarding station.

If the passenger does not have any documents entitling him/her to travel transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the e-tickets must be issued at least 28 hours before the train’s departure and the personal data of the passenger will be transferred to the consular department of the embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in order to issue a simplified travel document entitling a passenger to travel by rail going transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

The passenger is personally liable for obtaining a document entitling him/her to travel transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

The documents which the Russian citizens are required to have to be able to travel transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania to the Kaliningrad region from any other part of Russia are as follows:

1. An electronic travel document (an e-ticket). 

2. An identity paper of the passenger which details are specified in the electronic travel document (e-ticket). For example:

  • a diplomatic passport
  • a service passport
  • an international passport issued in the Russian Federation
  • a seafarer"s certificate of identification (subject to the presence of a relevant record in a crew list or presence of any duly certified extract therefrom)
  • a Certificate of Return (for a single return to the Russian Federation).

The children under 14 are issued the electronic travel documents on the basis of their international passports.

3. The documents entitling to travel transit through the territory of Lithuania are as follows:

  • a visa issued by the Republic of Lithuania
  • a residence permit issued by the Republic of Lithuania
  • an accreditation card, category A or B, issued by the Republic of Lithuania
  • a simplified transit document (STD)
  • a simplified document for travel by rail (SD -TR*).

The validity term of the identity paper of the citizen of the Russian Federation shall be longer than the term of validity of the document entitling him/her to travel transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

* SD-TR is a special document entitling to a one round transit trip through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania to/from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation from/to any part of the Russian Federation. The "one trip" means one single trip or a round trip. The validity term of such SD-TR may not exceed three months and it is issued free of charge by the competent authorities of Lithuania on the transit trains before crossing the border of the Republic of Lithuania. A decision to issue the SD-TR is made by the diplomatic and consular authorities of the Republic of Lithuania situated within the Russian Federation on the basis of the information transferred through the rail ticket offices situated within the Russian Federation or a personal account on the web-site of JSCo "RZD".

SD-TR may only be used when travelling by the transit trains servicing the following regular routes:

  • Moscow – Kaliningrad (No. 29)
  • Moscow – Kaliningrad (No. 147)
  • St. Petersburg – Kaliningrad (No. 79)
  • Chelyabinsk – Kaliningrad (No. 425)
  • Adler – Kaliningrad (No. 360C)
  • Kaliningrad – Moscow (No. 30)
  • Kaliningrad – Moscow (No. 148)
  • Kaliningrad – St. Petersburg (No. 80)
  • Kaliningrad – Chelyabinsk ( No. 426)
  • Kaliningrad – Adler (No. 360Ч).

Booking of the electronic travel documents (e-tickets) to travel transit to the Kaliningrad region through the territory of Lithuania

1. Booking of an electronic travel document (e-ticket) without having a document entitling to travel transit through the territory of Lithuania

The e-tickets for the trains servicing the routes to/from the Kaliningrad region may be booked on the web-site and in the ticket offices situated within the Russian Federation. At some stations (railway stations) the tickets to the Kaliningrad region are issued by the designated ticket offices. When issuing an electronic travel document, the personal data of the passenger as well as the data on the number of the train and the date of departure are transferred to the embassy of the Republic of Lithuania. Upon expiration of 26 hours after issuance of the electronic travel document the passenger may get the information on whether he/she is entitled to travel transit through the territory of Lithuania by checking his/her personal account or any ticket office of the Russian Railways equipped with the Express system.

Therefore the tickets are sold within the following periods:

  • at least 60 days and not later than 28 hours before the train departs from the train coupling point or point of return
  • if a passenger boards the train at any through station - at least 3 days and not later than 28 hours before the train departs from the train coupling point or point of return.

If the passenger is refused a SD -TR, he/she may return his/her electronic travel document via his/her personal account on the web-site or in any ticket office within the Russian Federation and get a refund in the amount of the full cost of the electronic travel document.

2. Buying a ticket when having a document entitling to travel transit through the territory of Lithuania

When the passenger has the documents entitling him/her to travel transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the issue of the electronic travel documents stops 15 minutes before the train departs.

Therefore the tickets are sold within the following periods:

  • * for the following trains: No.147/148 servicing the route Moscow – Kaliningrad, No. 79/80, route St. Petersburg – Kaliningrad, No. 360/359, route Kaliningrad – Adler, No. 426/425, route Kaliningrad – Chelyabinsk - the tickets are sold 60 days before the departure of the train.
  • * for the train No. 29/30 servicing the route Moscow – Kaliningrad - 90 days before the departure of the train starting from December 09, 2018.
  • 3 days before and until the date of departure of the train from any through station.

Children travelling to the Kaliningrad region going transit through the territory of Lithuania

The travel documents (tickets) for the children under 14 y.o. are sold to the persons accompanying such children. In case a child is under 5 y.o. and he/she does not occupy a separate seat/berth, an individual free electronic travel document (e-ticket) is issued for such child without specifying a seat/berth number.

To obtain a ticket for the child under 14 the passenger must present such child’s international passport.

Transportation of the medicinal drugs through the territory of Lithuania

From September 2005 the customs authorities of the Republic of Lithuania have adopted a harder position as regards transportation of the medicinal drugs through the territory of the country.

Due to such circumstances JSCo "RZD" recommends the passengers travelling from the Russia Federation through the territory of Lithuania to pay attention to a new list of the medicinal products approved for transportation through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. All the railway tickets points of sale are equipped with the information boards containing the data on the new procedure for transportation of the medicinal products; such points of sale carry out the awareness-raising activities.

This restriction does not contain any prohibitions as regards use of Valocordin and Corvalol for personal needs when travelling transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Even in cases when you need to transport such medicinal products in the amounts exceeding the amounts reasonable from the point of view of the personal needs, the passengers who duly declared such products when entering and leaving the country are not likely to have any issues.

For more information on the subject please contact the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Lithuania.

12. Boarding the train

Under the contract of carriage, the carrier undertakes to transport the passenger to the point of destination and provide him/her with a seat/berth on the train.

When boarding the train, the passenger must produce a duly issued e-ticket boarding pass (Sections 5.1 and 5.2) and the identity document on the basis of which the ticket was booked (as regards children under 14 travelling by the trains servicing the domestic routes, such children are allowed to board the train upon presentation of a notarized copy of their Birth Certificate); the specified boarding pass must contain the passenger"s surname and the number of his/her identity paper.

The passenger travelling on the basis of an e-ticket and registered online who presented at the checkpoint any identity paper not consistent with the information on the e-tickets which the car attendant has on his/her hands is considered to be a toll evader.

If the data specified in the identity paper differ from the data on the e-tickets which the attendant has in his/her possession (allowed discrepancy: not more than one letter in a surname and not more than one digit in a number), the passenger is allowed to board a long-distance train or a suburban train with the numbered seats/berths.

If a travel document is issued on the basis of the details of a Birth Certificate and at the time of boarding the child is 14 y.o., then the children who are the citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to board the trains of JSCo "RZD" and JSC "FPC" (except the trips to/from the Kaliningrad region transit through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania) upon presenting a duly issued travel document and a Birth Certificate (or a notarized copy thereof) during 2 months after turning 14 and no passport of the Russian Federation citizen is required in such case.

Boarding the train after the online registration:

  • As regards the trains servicing the domestic routes within the territory of the Russian Federation, the passengers board the train upon presentation of their e-ticket boarding pass printed out on paper (A4 format), or upon showing the same on their mobile device display, and upon presentation of their identity paper mentioned in the e-ticket (as regards children under 14, such passengers may board the train after presenting a notarized copy of their Birth Certificate)
  • As regards the trains servicing the routes between Russia and Latvia, between Russia and Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, Russian and Lithuania, Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Moldova, Russia and Estonia, Russia and Tajikistan and between Russia and Abkhazia, the passengers board the train after presenting the identity paper used to book the e-ticket. When boarding the train, the passengers must have a hard copy of their order form (A4 format) containing their journey details. Please note: when departing from Vilnius the passenger must have a hard copy (A4 format) e-ticket (boarding pass).
  • As regards the train No.9/10 Moscow – Warsaw – Moscow and the trains No. 6 Moscow – Ulaanbaatar, No. 306 Irkutsk – Ulaanbaatar, the passengers board such trains/cars upon presentation of a hard copy (А4 format) e-ticket boarding pass and an identification document specified on the e-ticket.
  • As regards train No. 13/14 Moscow – Berlin – Moscow, train No. 17/18 Moscow – Nice – Moscow, train No. 21/22 Moscow – Prague – Moscow, train No. 23/24 Moscow – Paris – Moscow, and the trains servicing the routes Russia - Finland, the passengers board such trains upon presentation of a hard copy (А4 format) e-ticket boarding pass, or upon showing the same on their mobile device display, and upon presentation of an identity paper specified in the e-ticket.

Please note: if you cancel the online registration and got a boarding pass (a travel document) in a ticket office or a self-service terminal, you must present it when boarding a train.

Boarding a train having a boarding pass on a ticket form:

  • as regards the trains servicing the domestic routes within the territory of the Russian Federation, the passengers board the train after presenting their boarding pass printed out on a ticket form and their identity paper used to book the electronic ticket (as regards children under 14, such passengers may board the train after presenting a notarized copy of their Birth Certificate)
  • as regards the trains servicing the routes to/from the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Abkhazia, the passengers board the train upon presentation of a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form and of an identity paper used to book the e-ticket.
  • as regards the trains servicing the international routes (to/from the non-CIS countries), the passengers board the trains upon presentation of a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form and of an identity paper used to issue an e-ticket.

In case the spelling of the surname or a number of an identity paper is not consistent with the ones specified in the e-ticket, the passenger won’t be allowed to board a train.

The e-tickets are not transferable to any third parties and are valid only upon presentation of the relevant identity papers of the passengers. The e-tickets are not subject to resale.

13. Returning the unused e-tickets and obtaining refunds

The unused e-tickets refunds are credited to the payer’s account used to pay for the e-ticket within the periods specified by the rules of the payment systems (from 7 to 30 calendar days from the moment the passenger requests a refund via his/her personal account).

PLEASE NOTE: To settle the claims connected with any failure to get the refund for any returned unused e-ticket:

  • to the payer’s account, please, file a written claim to the bank that issued you bank card
  • to Yandex.Money e-wallet, please, contact the Yandex.Money support service using the following contact details: tel.: +7 (495) 974-35-86, feedback form.

PLEASE NOTE: When you return the unused free e-tickets booked for the children of under 5 without booking a separate seat/berth, no fee for the refund is charged.

13.1. Returning the unused e-tickets using the passenger"s personal account on the web-site

The terms of returning an unused e-ticket via a personal account are specified in Section E-ticket refunds via the web-site.

13.2. Returning the unused e-tickets to a ticket office

The unused e-tickets may be returned to a booking office which carries out the ticket return procedures situated within the territory of the Russian Federation upon presentation of a control coupon or a number of the e-ticket/order and an identity paper which number is shown on the e-ticket subject to compliance with the approved periods. The unused e-tickets for the international routes (to/from the non-CIS countries) may only be returned to the international route ticket offices.

The money for the unused e-tickets may only be refunded within the territory of the Russian Federation.

The passenger is entitled to cancel an order as a whole or any certain e-ticket in such order except for the tickets booked for travelling in a meeting space compartment (1P service class) of Sapsan high-speed train. The travel documents booked for travelling in a meeting space compartment of Sapsan high-speed train (1P service class) may only be returned if all the 4 berths are cancelled simultaneously.

The order as a whole may be cancelled in relation to all the e-tickets in such order except for any e-ticket for which a boarding pass (travel document) was issued by a ticket office or a self-service terminal.

If the passenger obtained a boarding pass on a ticket form, the relevant amounts are refunded when the passenger presents such form and his/her identity papers at a ticket office.

The e-tickets booked for Sapsan train and Lastochka (for trains operated by the Directorate for High-Speed Routes) at a special round trip fare are to be returned pursuant to the following procedure:

  • if the passenger presents the e-tickets for the round trip or a return ticket at the ticket office, the funds are duly credited to the payer’s account used to transfer the payment or are refunded to the payer’s e-wallet
  • if the passenger presents a single ticket at the ticket office, he/she is issued a confirmation certifying that the seat/berth was returned and the relevant funds are refunded under the passenger’s claim( Claim template). The claim and the documents confirming the return of the seat/berth are transferred to a ticket agent or are sent by mail to the Northwestern Directorate for High-speed Service (a structural subdivision of the Directorate for High-speed Services) using the following mailing address: 196641 St. Petersburg, Metallostroy settl., railroad section "Slavyanka River-LEP", POB 53.

The passenger gets a refund less a 20 % reduction of the return fare. The passenger is charged a fee for transfer of a refund in connection with an unused travel document.

If the unused e-ticket booked for any train servicing any domestic routes within the Russian Federation and any trains servicing the international routes to/from the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Abkhazia is returned within the approved periods, then the service fee (including the cost of the bed linen) is refunded in full, but a fee of RUB 192.70 is charged for each seat/berth (the rate is set by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of the Russian Federation).

If the unused e-tickets for the international trains servicing the routes to/from the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, are returned in the ticket offices situated within the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Estonia, the relevant seats/berths connected with the unused e-tickets are returned as follows:

  • in case of the online registration – at least 1 hour before the departure of the train from the first station of the route
  • without the online registration – not later than 1 hour after the train departs the passenger’s boarding station.

To get a refund the passenger should contact any ticket office within the territory of the Russian Federation regardless of the method of payment and present a supporting document form confirming that the booking of the seats/berths was cancelled in the other country. If the passenger made payments using his/her bank card, the relevant refund is credited to the payer’s settlement account.

As regards the e-tickets for the route Finland – Russia booked for several passengers in one order at one and the same rate, all such tickets shall be returned. No partial cancellation of such e-tickets is allowed.

In case two berths were booked in a Luxury (business) carriage compartment of any train servicing the international routes (to/from the non CIS-countries), the cancellation of one of two of such berths is not allowed. The cost of the unused e-tickets booked to travel in a Luxury (business) carriage is refunded only if the passenger presents simultaneously the e-tickets for the berths in one compartment at any international route ticket office.

When returning the unused e-tickets for the trains servicing the international routes (to/from the non-CIS countries), a passenger is charged a fee of EUR 10 (for each berth). This fee is charged in RUB at the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as at the day of refund.

When returning an unused e-ticket booked for any train servicing the domestic routes within the territory of the Russian Federation to a ticket office (except for the trains of the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia), the following amounts must be credited to the payer’s account:

  • if the e-ticket is returned at least 8 hours before the departure of the train – the amount of fare comprising the ticket price and the cost of the reserved seat ticket
  • if the e-ticket is returned at least 8 hours and not later than 2 hours before the departure of the train – the ticket price and 50 % of the cost of the reserved seat ticket
  • if the e-ticket is returned less than 2 hours before the departure of the train – the price of the ticket; the cost of the reserved seat ticket is non-refundable in such case
  • if the passenger misses the train and returns the e-ticket within 12 hours after the train departs from the passenger’s boarding station, or in case of the passenger’s illness or any accident (subject to the presence of any documentary evidence thereof), and the passenger returns the relevant e-ticket within 5 days after the departure of the train for which he/she was issued a travel document – the ticket price; the cost of the reserved seat ticket is non-refundable in such case
  • if the passenger misses the train, the unused electronic travel document (e-ticket) may only be returned to the ticket office situated at the passenger’s departure station within 12 hours after the departure of the train.

When returning the e-ticket, the passenger is charged a fee of RUB 192.70 for each seat/berth (the rate is set by the FAS of the Russian Federation).

Please note: When you return an unused e-ticket to the ticket office less than 1 hour before the departure of the train from the first station of the route and you passed the online registration for a train servicing the domestic Russian routes, the relevant amounts are refunded under a passenger’s claim pursuant to the procedure approved by the carrier. The relevant claim must be written on behalf of the passenger (in any format) whose surname, name and patronymic are specified in the e-ticket. Such claim must contain the following data: the address of the claimant (including the postal code), his/her contact telephone number, numbers of the relevant e-tickets, the reason for the cancellation of the trip. The passenger must put the date of execution of the claim and sign the same. The amounts connected with the considered claim are refunded to the settlement account of the payer used to pay for the e-tickets.

If the unused e-tickets are returned within 20 minutes - 3 hours after the departure of the train from the passenger’s departure station and provided that the passenger appeared at the ticket office in person and presented an identity paper specified in the e-ticket, the funds are transferred to the payer’s account used to pay for the e-tickets or to the payer’s e-wallet.

If an unused e-ticket booked for any train servicing the international routes to/from and/or for any trains (carriages) of the railways of the CIS countries, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Abkhazia is returned in a ticket office within the following periods, then the following amounts are credited to the payer’s account used to pay for the e-ticket:

  • if the e-ticket is returned at least 24 hours before the departure of the train – the ticket price comprising the ticket price and the cost of the reserved seat ticket
  • if the e-ticket is returned less than 24 hours but not later than 6 hours before the departure of the train – the ticket price and 50 % of the cost of the reserved seat ticket
  • if the e-ticket is returned less than 6 hours before but not later than 1 hour after the departure of the train from the passenger’s boarding station, or in case of the passenger’s illness or any accident - within 10 days after the expiration of the term of validity of the supporting documents – the ticket price; the cost of the reserved seat ticket is non-refundable in such case.

Please note: in case an e-ticket is booked for any trains servicing the routes to/from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Russia and Abkhazia and the passenger registered online, and the passenger wishes to return such e-ticket less than 1 hour before the departure of the train from the first station of the route, such unused e-ticket may not be returned.

Please note: The unused e-tickets for the international trains servicing the following routes: to/from the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, may be returned in the ticket offices situated within the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Estonia as follows: online registration – the e-ticket must be returned at least 1 hour before the departure of the train from the first station of the route; no online registration – the e-ticket must be returned within 1 hour after the departure of the train from the passenger’s boarding station. The monetary funds shall be returned in the ticket offices situated within the Russian Federation regardless of the payment method under a supporting document confirming the cancellation of the seats/berths.

Any unused e-ticket may be returned to the ticket offices within the territory of the CIS countries and Abkhazia (except for the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan) upon presentation of a boarding pass printed out on a ticket form. In such case the seats/berths are cancelled without any refunds. To get the refund in the amount of the relevant funds credited to the payer’s settlement account used to transfer payment for the e-ticket, the passenger should apply to a ticket office within the Russian Federation within 6 months after the date of departure of the train and should present the seats/berths cancellation form, an unused boarding pass printed out on a ticket form and any identity paper of the passenger.

When returning an unused electronic ticket to the ticket office which has been booked for an international train (with Russia’s far abroad, i.e. countries which were not part of the former Soviet Union) the transfer to the payer’s current account is due:

  • No later than 6 hours before the departure of the train – the full cost of travel, consisting of the ticket cost and the cost of the seat/berth reservation (with a deduction of the refund fee);
  • less than 6 hours before the departure of the train designated on the ticket – no refund is made.

Attention! When returning an electronic ticket with electronic registration which has been book for an international journey (with Russia’s far abroad, i.e. countries which were not part of the former Soviet Union) more than 6 hours before the departure of the train from the passenger’s embarking station (local time) and less than 1 hour before the departure of the train from the initial station of the route, the refund for the unused electronic ticket is made through claims’ procedure. This requires that the passenger present, within the time frame set for the refund, a printout of the electronic ticket to an international ticket office with a stamp or mark to show that it has not been used with an indication of the day, month, year and time (hours, minutes) of the passenger’s claim.

Refund of unused electronic tickets to ticket offices in European countries. Passengers have the right to withdraw from their journey only in the countries through which their train passes, in accordance with the purchased tickets.

The passenger must present, within the time limits set for the refund, a printout of the electronic ticket to the international ticket office with a stamp of mark to show that it has not been used with an indication of the day, month, year and time (hours, minutes) of the passenger’s claim. In order to recover the money due for an unused ticket, passengers must apply to the international ticket office in the Russian Federation within nine months of the date of departure of the train specified on the ticket document, present an application and the unused ticket document with the appropriate stamp or mark. Passenger applications are reviewed within 180 days from the day of receipt.

The money for the unused e-tickets may only be refunded within the territory of the Russian Federation.

14. E-ticket travel renewal in case a passenger missed a train

If a passenger missed a train:

servicing the domestic routes, and the passenger informed the relevant persons of such situation within 12 hours after the departure of the train connected with the e-ticket (regardless of whether the passenger registered online or not), and the passenger wishes to renew the ticket, then he/she should return the e-ticket to the ticket office at the passenger’s departure station. If the passenger missed the train, the e-ticket should be returned in accordance with the approved railway regulations for return of the tickets.

The e-ticket is returned upon the passenger’s presentation at the ticket office of the e-ticket control coupon or a 14-digit e-ticket number and the passenger’s identity papers.

To renew the ticket at the ticket office:

  • the e-ticket control coupon or the control coupon of the travel document must be stamped with a mark of renewal
  • the passenger must pay the cost of the reserved seat ticket.

The passenger boards a train upon presentation of an e-ticket control coupon or a control coupon of the travel document bearing a relevant mark as well as a reserved seat ticket and the passenger’s identity paper specified when booking the e-ticket.

servicing the international routes to/from the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, and the e-ticket was bought in the ticket offices situated within the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Estonia, and the passenger informed the relevant persons that he/she missed the train within 1 hour after the departure of the train connected with the e-ticket (regardless of whether the passenger registered online or not), and such passenger wishes to renew the ticket - the seats/berths are cancelled at the ticket offices of the passenger’s departure station.

To renew the ticket at the ticket office:

  • the e-ticket control coupon must be stamped with a mark of renewal
  • the passenger must pay the cost of the reserved seat ticket.

The passenger boards a train upon presentation of an e-ticket control coupon bearing a relevant mark as well as a reserved seat ticket and the passenger’s identity papers specified when drawing up the e-ticket.

15. Stopovers under the e-tickets

When travelling on the domestic routes

To renew a ticket after a stopover on the route 3 hours after the arrival of the train which the passenger boarded, the passenger has to return the e-ticket to a ticket office.

The e-ticket is returned upon presentation by the passenger at the ticket office of the e-ticket control coupon or a 14-digit e-ticket number and the passenger’s identity papers.

The returned e-ticket control coupon or a control coupon of a travel document must be stamped with a mark of stopover and renewal of the validity term of the ticket/document.

To renew the travel at the ticket office the passenger pays the cost of the reserved seat/berth ticket.

The passenger boards a train upon presentation of the e-ticket control coupon or the control coupon of the travel document, a reserved seat/berth ticket and the passenger’s identity paper specified when booking the e-ticket.

When travelling by the trains servicing the international routes to/from the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

If the passenger makes a stopover on the route and wishes the term of validity of his/her e-ticket (provided he/she registered online) to be renewed, the attendant of the car which the passenger boarded stamps the e-ticket control coupon with a mark of stopover.

In order to renew the travel after a stopover on the route within 3 hours after the arrival of the train which the passenger boarded, the ticket offices situated within the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Estonia:

  • may cancel the relevant seats/berths under an e-ticket control coupon bearing a stamp of stopover on the route
  • stamp the e-ticket control coupon with a mark of stopover and renewal of the term of validity of the e-ticket.

To renew the ticket at the ticket office:

  • the passenger pays the cost of the reserved seat/berth ticket in the national currency of the country where he/she is being issued a reserved seat ticket
  • the e-ticket control coupon is stamped with a mark confirming that the reserved seat/berth ticket was issued.

The passenger boards a train upon presentation of an e-ticket control coupon bearing three relevant marks as well as a reserved seat/berth ticket and the passenger’s identity paper specified when booking the e-ticket.

16. Termination of a travel under an e-ticket

If the passenger travelling by the trains servicing the international routes to/from the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia wishes to cancel any further part of the travel at any station on the route, the attendant of the car which such passenger boarded (provided the passenger registered online) stamp the e-ticket with a mark confirming termination of the travel by the passenger.

Within 3 hours after the arrival of the train which the passenger boarded the ticket offices situated within the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Estonia may:

  • cancel the seats/berths under an e-ticket control coupon bearing a mark of suspension of the travel
  • stamp the e-ticket control coupon with a mark confirming the termination of the e-ticket’s term of validity at the station of termination of the travel.

The funds for the remaining part of the route are refunded in the ticket office of the state where the relevant e-ticket was bought regardless of the method of payment therefor under a supporting document confirming the cancellation of the seats/berths.

17. Rebooking electronic tickets

Rebooking an electronic ticket with electronic registration is made no earlier than 24 hours and no later than 1 hour before the train departs from the initial station on its route.

Rebooking an electronic ticket without electronic registration is made no earlier than 24 hours before, and up to the moment of, the train’s departure from the passenger’s boarding station.

When travelling on domestic Russian trains

Rebooking electronic tickets is done at the ticket office of the departure station specified on the electronic ticket.

Settlements for rebooking are made in that form in which the electronic ticket was paid.

When travelling on international trains to/from the CIS countries and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

At the ticket offices located on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Moldova, rebooking an electronic ticket is done at the departure station indicated on the electronic ticket.

Settlements for rebooking are carried out in the national currency of the country where the ticket was booked.

Refunds for the original e-ticket are made at ticket offices located in the Russian Federation, on the basis of an auxiliary document form confirming the return of the seats/berths.

18. Drawing up the electronic carriage documents

Starting from January 11, 2018 the passengers may draw up the electronic carriage documents on the web-site of JSCo "RZD".

Before drawing up the electronic carriage documents on the web-site of JSCo "RZD" the passenger may review the following information:

  • whether the trains of JSC FPC have any passenger coaches with the compartments suitable for the transportation of the luggage, and may also check the availability of the vacant places by reviewing the carriage schemes
  • whether it is allowed to take small pets on the trains of JSC FPC (depends on the service class of the coach)
  • whether JSC FPC have any car carriers for transportation of the vehicles, and if such car carriers have any vacant places.
  • fare amounts.

18.1. Drawing up the electronic carriage documents on the web-site of JSCo "RZD"

The web-site of JSCo "RZD" provides the passenger with an opportunity to draw up the electronic carriage documents (the control coupons of the electronic luggage stubs) for the transportation of the following:

  • small pets
  • hand luggage - at an extra fee (electronic and household appliances, video and audio equipment - according to Clause 108 of the Regulations For the Rail Carriage of the Passengers, Luggage, Freight Baggage)
  • oversized baggage - under the special terms (baby carriages (strollers), bicycles, kayaks, etc.).

The passenger may draw up the electronic carriage documents for any domestic travel by the trains of JSC FPC not later than 1 hour before the train departs from the first station of the route.

The passenger may draw up the electronic carriage documents on the web-site of JSCo "RZD":

  • when booking an e-ticket
  • as a supplement to the e-ticket obtained earlier (via the passenger’s personal account)
  • as a supplement to a travel document bought in a ticket office (via the passenger’s personal account, Additional Ticket Services section).

No electronic carriage document may be issued for a returned e-ticket.

In case an electronic carriage document is successfully drawn up, the user is issued a control coupon of the electronic luggage stub specifying the transportation details and bearing a 2D barcode.

The control coupon of the electronic luggage stub is printed out (A4 format) and is to be presented when boarding a train.

In case of any errors in the electronic carriage document the passenger may cancel the order before payment.

If the passenger wishes to cancel any trip which was paid earlier via the web-site of JSCo "RZD", the electronic carriage document must be returned at least 1 hour before the train departs from the first station of the route.

If the electronic carriage documents are returned via the web-site of JSCo "RZD" after the expiration of the specified periods (before the departure of the train from the first station of the route), the passenger may only cancel the seats/berths (under the electronic carriage documents (if any) issued for the transportation of the luggage in the specially equipped compartments of the passenger coaches) and no funds are reimbursed to the passenger’s bank card. The payment amounts are refunded under a complaint procedure when the passenger addresses a ticket office of JSC FPC.

18.2. Return of the electronic carriage documents to the ticket offices

The electronic carriage documents may be returned together with the cancellation of the relevant luggage places (if any) and reimbursement of the relevant funds (to be credited to a bank card) if such documents are returned at least 1 hour before the train departs from the first station of the route.

If the passenger wishes to return the electronic carriage documents after the expiration of the relevant periods, then only the luggage places may be cancelled and the funds are reimbursed under a complaint procedure.

The passenger has to a pay a return fee in connection with a refund (when the funds are reimbursed).

18.3. Issue of a copy of an electronic carriage document by a ticket office

At the passenger’s request the ticket office may print out a copy of the electronic carriage document on a limited-issue document form.

19. Mobile e-ticket booking service

1. The web-site provides a new service of ordering the e-tickets for the trains via your cell phone (smartphone). To buy an e-ticket using your smartphone you should log in using your username and your password. Please, before you proceed, read the E-tickets Issue Regulations.

2. The rules governing the process of booking the e-tickets using a smartphone are the same as those governing booking of the e-tickets via the Internet using the PCs (laptops, tablets).

3. The web-site mobile service is supported by all the major mobile browsers (Opera Mini 2-5, Opera Mobile 9.80, Nokia, Safari). If the smartphone browser is not supported, you will see a relevant warning on the authorization page. The minimum requirements to the smartphone display resolution are as follows: 240*320, diagonal - 2.4". The online registration for the train is also available.

FAQ: services

  • If you have any questions concerning the services on the trains of JSC FPC, please, write to
  • If you have any questions concerning the services on the trains of DHSS, please, write to [email protected].
  • If you have any questions concerning the services on the trains of Grand Service Express, Transportation Company, CJSC, please, write to [email protected] or visit the following web-site:
  • If you have any questions concerning the services on the trains of Tverskoi Express Ltd., please, write to [email protected] or visit the following web-site:
  • If you have any questions concerning the services on the trains of Trans Class Service JSC, please, write to [email protected] or visit the following web-site:

If you have any questions concerning booking of the e-tickets via the web-site of JSCo "RZD" and RZD Passengers App, please, contact us at [email protected]. To check the ticket status, please, provide your login or e-mail used to book the tickets; date and time of booking; order No., or in case of absence of the latter - specify the route and train No.; surname, name, patronymic of the passenger. Our Support Service is ready to help you 24/7.
The long-distance passenger trains schedule is posted in section Passenger Transportation of JSCo "RZD" web-site.