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Washington, D.C.
Beigetreten März 2013


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    COVID-19: Young workers in the US are likely to be hit the hardest

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    "The new coronavirus has hit more than 2,100 nursing homes and other senior facilities around the U.S., killing over 2,300 people," finds after contacting all 50 state health departments and getting data back from 37 of them.

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    Majority of U.S. adults (62%) say the various sources they turn to have mostly provided the same set of facts about the coronavirus outbreak – 26% say they have seen conflicting facts across sources

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    Our latest report on favorability of several federal agencies shows that the USPS and the CDC continue to enjoy broad bipartisan support 91% of both Republicans and Democrats have a favorable view of the postal service

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    On , how do Americans perceive the religion and religiosity of Donald Trump? Fewer than half say they think Trump is Christian (44%) and only around a third see him as very or somewhat religious (35%), per February survey:

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  6. CORRECTED; 57% of Americans who had said in an earlier survey that they attended religious services at least once or twice a month said in a Mar. 19-24 survey they watched services on television or online instead of person during the outbreak

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  7. CORRECTED in the time of : 59% of Americans who had said in an earlier survey that they attended religious services at least once or twice a month said in a Mar. 19-24 survey they had scaled back attendance

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  8. “When face-to-face interactions become an occupational hazard: Jobs in the time of COVID-19” - from

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    Among those who list each cable network as their main source for political news, % who say the news media are doing well at covering the coronavirus outbreak: MSNBC – 92% CNN – 82% Fox News – 58%

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  10. The U.S. Postal Services' finances have been strained further by the outbreak (.) Among federal agencies we asked about in a recent survey, 91% of Americans rated it favorably, including Democrats and Republicans

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  11. In our March 19-24, survey, 55% of Americans said they had prayed for an end to the

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  12. Even before the crisis, news organizations were struggling. Here are on the state of the industry

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    U.S. states have mixed policies on large gatherings for Easter — Florida and Texas have exempted religious services from stay-at-home orders. In Kentucky, mass gatherings this weekend are permitted, but anyone who participates must quarantine for 14 days.

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  14. All of our analyses and surveys on the impact of -19 and can be found here

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    More than nine-in-ten people worldwide live in countries with travel restrictions amid COVID-19

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    We analyzed data from Earnest Research, which tracks and analyzes credit card and debit card purchases of nearly 6 million people in the U.S. Cash transactions aren't included, but the data provides a strong snapshot of the economic impact of the coronavirus.

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  17. Update on global cases of from as of 3:18 p.m. ET: ▪️Confirmed global cases: 1,760,978 ▪️Confirmed global deaths: 107,775 ▪️Total global recovered: 396,693 ▪️Confirmed U.S. cases: 519,453 ▪️Confirmed NYC deaths: 6,367

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    👉 QAnon’s conspiracy theories have seeped into U.S. politics. But despite the spread, about three-quarters of U.S. adults (76%) say they have heard or read nothing at all about it

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    Public Holds Broadly Favorable Views of Many Federal Agencies, Including CDC and HHS

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    CHART: 51% of U.S. adults think genetically modified foods (GMOs) are worse for people’s health than foods with no genetically modified ingredients, while 41% say GM foods have a neutral effect on health.

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