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The OpenMP Booth Talks from SC19 are now available

Dec 02, 2019|Comments Off on The OpenMP Booth Talks from SC19 are now available

Dec 1, 2019 - The OpenMP booth talks from SC19 are now available to view. A wide range of experts shared their technical knowledge and insights into the latest OpenMP technologies and applications.
View the Videos.

The University of Tennessee joins the OpenMP effort

Dec 02, 2019|Comments Off on The University of Tennessee joins the OpenMP effort

Nov 15, 2019 - “The University of Tennessee has been involved in the development of many standards over the past thirty years”, says Jack Dongarra, Distinguished Professor at the University of Tennessee. “We are proud to continue that effort in helping to define community standards by joining the OpenMP ARB.”

OpenMP ARB Releases Technical Report 8

Nov 12, 2019|Comments Off on OpenMP ARB Releases Technical Report 8

Nov 12, 2019 - The OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB) has released Technical Report 8, the first preview for the future OpenMP API, version 5.1. Commenting on the announcment the OpenMP Language Committee Chair Bronis R. de Supinski said, "We are excited about this first public step towards OpenMP 5.1. While 5.1 will include only a small set of new features, TR8 demonstrates that those additions, such as the 'assume' directive, will provide important usability enhancements." more

OpenMP Hackathon at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Oct 08, 2019|Comments Off on OpenMP Hackathon at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Blog Report: The OpenMP hackathon held at Brookhaven National Laboratory involved eight application teams from US national labs and universities working to fully leverage pre-Exascale systems using the latest OpenMP features. The event was sponsored by the Exascale Computing Project (ECP), the OpenMP ARB, cOMPunity and the SOLLVE team. more

ECP OpenMP Hackathons

Jun 25, 2019|Comments Off on ECP OpenMP Hackathons

ECP SOLLVE, in conjunction with ORNL and NERSC, are organizing two OpenMP Hackathons in July and August. We encourage participation of teams interested in using OpenMP to port and optimize their applications on GPUs, and in using OpenMP for energy-efficient processor architectures. more

OpenMP @ ISC 2019

May 20, 2019|Comments Off on OpenMP @ ISC 2019

Join us at ISC 2019 in Frankfurt (June 16-20) for the BOF 'OpenMP 5.0 is Here: What do I Need to Know About it and What's Coming Next?, plus two tutorials: 'OpenMP Common Core: Learning Parallelization of Real Applications from the Ground-Up' and 'Advanced OpenMP: Performance and 5.0 Features'. more