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The Case of the Stolen Domain Names

Back in 2011, the domain name for this site,, was stolen. "Domain Hijacking," they call it. It wasn't just this site, but around 12 others in the design and development space. To this day, none of us really know how it happened and who was behind it, although I believe all the domains are back to their original owners now.

The registrants involved varied, so even that wasn't a common thread. My best guess was that the bad guys … Read article


Helping Browsers Optimize With The CSS Contain Property


Is Having an RSS Feed Just Giving Content Away for Free?

I mean, kinda.

I was just asked this question the other day so I'm answering here because blogging is cool.

The point of an RSS feed is for people to read your content elsewhere (hence the last part of the acronym, Syndication, as in, broadcasting elsewhere). Probably an RSS reader. But RSS is XML, so in a sense, it's a limited API to your content as well, which people can use to do other programmatic things (e.g. show a … Read article


Guillermo’s 2019 in Review

Of all the tech-focused year-in-review posts I read, Guillermo Rauch's is my favorite. There is a lot in there, jumping from topics like modern architectures, high-fiving specific apps, and philosophical movements.

I'll pick one quote about the rise of "deploy previews":

A salient feature is the transition we are seeing away from code review into deployment preview.

Code review is undeniably important (specially speedy code review), but nothing beats teams collaborating by sharing URLs to the actual sites

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Custom Styling Form Inputs With Modern CSS Features

It’s entirely possible to build custom checkboxes, radio buttons, and toggle switches these days, while staying semantic and accessible. We don’t even need a single line of JavaScript or extra HTML elements! It’s actually gotten easier lately than it has been in the past. Let’s take a look.… Read article


Old CSS, new CSS


Full-Width Elements By Using Edge-to-Edge Grid

If you have a limited-width container, say a centered column of text, "breaking out" of that to make a full-width element involves trickery. Perhaps the best trick is the one with left relative positioning and a negative left viewport-based margin. While it has its caveats (e.g. requiring hidden overflow on the body, the container needs to be centered, etc.), at least it's easy to pull off and everything else in the container just happily goes about its business.

There have … Read article


Getting Fancy with position: sticky;


Getting Acquainted With Svelte, the New Framework on the Block

For the last six years, Vue, Angular, and React have run the world of front-end component frameworks. Google and Facebook have their own sponsored frameworks, but they might leave a bitter taste for anyone who advocates for an open and unbiased web. Vue is another popular framework that has multiple sponsors but isn’t run by a single corporation, which may be attractive to some folks.

There’s another player in the framework space that’s gaining attention and operates very much in … Read article


Building an accessible autocomplete control


Browser Version Release Spectrum

Whenever a browser upgrades versions, it's a little marketing event, and rightly so. Looks like for Firefox it's about once a month, Chrome is ~6 weeks, and Safari is once a year.

Chrome 80 just dropped, as they say, and we get a video and blog post. What strikes me about releases like this these days is that there isn't big flagship features that we're all collectively interested in as developers. Maybe a little great divideRead article

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Leveling up with React: React Router


Making the Move from jQuery to Vue


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