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Sentilo sponsors are community members who support the project with direct investments, either in money or in kind.

Barcelona City Council is currently the main sponsor and code contributor to Sentilo. Barcelona is using Sentilo as the component that interconnects the networks of sensors and actuators deployed citywide with the applications that monitor and control them.
Terrassa is a municipality located in Catalonia, Spain, with a population of more than 200.000 people. Terrassa City Council has chosen Sentilo as a key element in its strategy for the deployment of the Smart technologies in the city. Terrassa has developed some Sentilo modules related to user management and mobile sensor visualization.
Diputació de Barcelona, as a Provincial Council, provides services to 311 municipalities in its area. This organization is leading the development of multi-tenant Sentilo capabilities as a basis of a smart region provincial platform.
Cellnex Telecom is Europe’s leading independent operator of wireless telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures. It offers sites to rent for telecommunications operators and provides the most advanced audiovisual services to national, regional and local broadcasters. It also develops solutions in the “smart city” projects field and has rolled out a smart communications network making it possible to connect objects and develop a strong ecosystem for the Internet of Things (IoT) in Spain.
openTrends is the company behind the conception and development of the Sentilo platform, as a result of the collaboration with the Barcelona City Council in the SmartCity area.openTrends is a software engineering company, and a reference in open-source software development in Spain.
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