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Monthly Archives: May 2015

Barcelona Sentilo deployment reaches the 300 million transactions milestone

Barcelona Sentilo deployment reaches the 300 million transactions milestone

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The Barcelona City Sentilo platform reaches the milestone of 300 million transactions processed. This means that the platform has processed an average of 12,77 transactions per second. More than 7.000 sensors are active on the platform nowadays. We’re proud Sentilo Barcelona has reached that figure without any significant downtime. Barcelona City Hall will continue deploying[…..]

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Sentilo is on the media again. We will power a whole Smart Region!

Sentilo is on the media again. We will power a whole Smart Region!

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Spanish newspapers “La Vanguardia” and “El Periodico” have referred to Sentilo as an essential component in the evolution from “Smart City” to “Smart Region”. Sentilo has been cited as a unique experiment in Europe, as it is open source software based on the open source philosophy, and developed and shared by different cities and public[…..]

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