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Monthly Archives: October 2014

Barcelona Sentilo deployment reaches the 100 million transactions milestone

Barcelona Sentilo deployment reaches the 100 million transactions milestone

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The Barcelona City Sentilo platform -our biggest deployment by now- reaches the milestone of 100 million transactions processed. This means that the platform processes an average of 9.73 transactions per second. On its most busy day, the Sentilo platform processed an average of 22.63 transactions per second and the maximum peak was 1,026 transactions in[…..]

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Barcelona City Concil issues first draft of noise sensors requirements

Barcelona City Concil issues first draft of noise sensors requirements

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The Department for Noise Pollution Reduction of Barcelona City Hall has published the requirements for noise sensors to be installed in the city. Among them, the sensors must support the API to the Sentilo platform. The noise sensors specifications required by Barcelona City are published on our repository in Catalan and English. Any company can check[…..]

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Sentilo based Barcelona Smart City Infrastructure wins one City Climate Leadership Award

Sentilo based Barcelona Smart City Infrastructure wins one City Climate Leadership Award

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The award to Barcelona, in the Intelligent City Infrastructure category, was announced by Siemens and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) at a ceremony held on September 22nd in New York City. The Awards honor cities all over the world for excellence in urban sustainability and leadership in the fight against climate change. The[…..]

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