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The Commission on Coordination of Cooperation between CIS Member States’ Governmental Energy Supervision Authorities

The Commission on Coordination of Cooperation between CIS Member States’ Governmental Energy Supervision Authorities (CSES) was established in the framework of the activities of the CIS Electric Energy Council with a view to implement the Memorandum of Cooperation between CIS Member States’ Governmental Energy Supervision Authorities.

The CSES includes authorized representatives of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Ukraine and the CIS Electric Energy Council.

In accordance with the Protocol of the CIS Electric Energy Council’s Target Working Group’s session of March 22-23, 2012, a Rostechnadzor representative is appointed CSES Chairman.

The main tasks of the CSES are:

- implement the provisions of the Memorandum of Cooperation between CIS Member States’ Governmental Energy Supervision Authorities;

- ensure equal cooperation between the CIS Member States’ governmental energy supervision authorities; and

- arrange an open exchange of experience, information and documents between the CIS Member States’ governmental energy supervision authorities.