


Data on Poland

A wide range of indicators on agriculture, development, economy, education, energy, environment, finance, government, health, innovation and technology, jobs and society.


Economic Survey of Poland 2018

Growth has been robust in Poland, but reforms are needed to sustain improvements in living standards. Developing skills and infrastructure, strengthening the labour market, public finance and green taxes, would raise growth and well-being.


  • 1

    Polska na tle innych krajów

    OECD360 przedstawia najnowsze analizy i dane z kluczowych publikacji OECD. Liczne materiały graficzne ilustrują główne aktualne kwestie.

  • 2

    Poland and the OECD

    This document sets out when Poland joined the OECD, what its permanent delegation does, and the benefits of OECD membership.