


Data on Norway

A wide range of indicators on agriculture, development, economy, education, energy, environment, finance, government, health, innovation and technology, jobs and society.


OECD Economic Survey of Norway 2019

Norway continues to enjoy among the highest living standards in the OECD area but faces challenges in sustaining them for the future.


  • 1

    Hvordan gjør Norge det sammenlignet med andre land?

    OECD360 gir deg de nyeste analysene og dataene fra OECDs nøkkelpublikasjoner. Tallrike grafikker illustrerer viktige aktuelle temaer.

  • 2
    EPO Outlook cover_V2

    Education Policy Outlook Snapshot: Norway

    This policy profile on education in Norway is part of the new Education Policy Outlook series, which will present comparative analysis of education policies and reforms across OECD countries. Building on the substantial comparative and sectorial policy knowledge base available within the OECD, the series will result in a biannual publication (first volume in 2014).

  • 3

    Norway and the OECD

    This document sets out when Norway joined the OECD, what its permanent delegation does, and the benefits of OECD membership.