


Data on Estonia

A wide range of indicators on agriculture, development, economy, education, energy, environment, finance, government, health, innovation and technology, jobs and society.


Economic Survey of Estonia 2017

The Estonian economic outlook is improving, with growth gaining momentum, wages increasing and resilient export performance. Policy actions such as raising public investment and easing labour-market bottlenecks are needed to make growth stronger, greener and more inclusive.


  • 1

    Millised on Eesti tulemused teistega võrreldes?

    OECD360 toob teieni OECD peamistest väljaannetest pärit uusimad analüüsid ja andmed. Mitmed graafikud illustreerivad praegusi peamisi probleeme.

  • 2

    Estonia's accession to the OECD

    Estonia became the OECD's 34th member country on 9 December 2010. Estonia was invited by OECD countries to open negotiations for membership in May 2007.

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    Estonia and the OECD

    Estonia signed the Convention founding the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on 9 December 2010, thereby pledging its full dedication to achieving the Organisation’s fundamental aims.