
Chemical safety and biosafety

The OECD assists countries in developing and implementing policies and instruments that make their systems for managing chemicals as efficient and robust as possible, while protecting human health and the environment. 


Wider international context

The OECD co-operates closely with various international organisations, through the Inter-organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) towards the implementation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) which bring together governments from more than 150 countries and various stakeholders.

OECD Legal instruments

A number of OECD Council acts in force are dedicated to chemical safety and cover areas as diverse as chemical accidents, exchange of confi dential data on chemicals or the Polluter-Pays Principle: 11 legally-binding OECD Council Decisions, 15 Council Recommendations and 3 other Legal Instruments.


The OECD organises free webinars bringing world experts together to share best practices for regulatory authorities and the scientific community. Register for an upcoming webinar or watch the video recordings of the past webinars on: 


Savings costs in chemicals management

Combating industrial pollution with Best Available Techniques

Common policies for safer chemicals

Key publications

More publications

About us

Learn more about our work on Chemical Safety and Biosafety, and read our progress report. 

» Who we are and how we work
» Read our progress report

Stay informed

To receive our latest news, publications and events on Chemical Safety and Biotechnology, sign up to the following newsletters: 

» Chemical Safety
» Biotechnology Update

Follow us

Watch our videos on the OECD Chemical Safety and Biosafety YouTube channel

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Contact us

Learn more about the work of the OECD Environment Directorate, and contact us with your questions.

» About the Environment Directorate
» Contact us