Nuclear science


    The goal of the NEA in this area is to help member countries identify, collate, develop and disseminate basic scientific and technical knowledge required to ensure safe, reliable and economic operation of current nuclear systems and to develop next-generation technologies.


    • To help advance the existing scientific knowledge needed to enhance the performance and safety of current nuclear systems;
    • To contribute to building a solid scientific and technical basis for the development of future-generation nuclear systems;
    • To support the preservation of essential knowledge in the field of nuclear science.

    Programme of work

    The NEA nuclear science programme is developed and executed by the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC), comprising high-level scientific experts from all NEA member countries. The secretarial support to the NSC is provided by the Division of Nuclear Science. Close co-operation with the Data Bank is maintained, primarily because of the potential for mutual benefit to be gained between the programme of work of the Data Bank and the type of activities pursued within the nuclear science programme. The main areas of work are:

    Nuclear science events

    Preparing the Kick-off of FIDES Joint Experimental Programmes
    Paris, France, 3-5 September 2019

    EGMPEBV and WPRS workshops – GRS
    Garching, Germany, 26-28 June 2019

    Workshop on Introduction to the Multinational NEA Framework for In-pile Fuel and Material Testing
    Paris, France, 4-5 March 2019

    Workshop on Building Multinational Fuels and Materials Testing Capacities for Science, Safety and Industry
    Paris, France, 4-5 October 2018

    Fifteenth NEA Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation
    Manchester, UK, 30 September‑3 October 2018

    Workshop on Enhancing Experimental Support for Advancements in Nuclear Fuels and Materials
    Paris, France, 8‑10 January 2018

    NEA/WRPS benchmark workshops (UAM-11, SFR-UAM-3, C5G7-TD-2) held in conjunction with related meetings (CTF-4, AER-D)
    Erlangen, Germany, 8‑12 May 2017

    Workshop on Nuclear fuel Modelling to Support Safety and Performance Enhancement of Water-Cooled Reactors
    Paris, France, 7‑9 March 2017

    Fourteenth Information Exchange Meetings on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation (IEM P&T)
    San Diego, USA, 17‑20 October 2016

    Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF), 13th meeting
    Dresden, Germany, 10‑12 October 2016

    Third International Workshop on Technology and Components of the Accelerator-driven Systems (TCADS)
    Mito, Japan, 6‑9 September 2016

    Fourth International Workshop on Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems (SMINS)
    Manchester, UK, 11-14 July 2016

    Last reviewed: 21 November 2017


    Nuclear science publicationsPublications list
