
Nuclear law

The goal of the NEA in this area is to help create sound national and international legal regimes required for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including international trade in nuclear materials and equipment, to address issues of liability and compensation for nuclear damage, and to serve as a centre for nuclear law information and education.


  • to assist member countries in the development, strengthening and harmonisation of nuclear legislation that is based upon internationally accepted principles for the safe and peaceful use of nuclear energy;
  • to contribute to the modernisation of the international nuclear liability regimes and encourage the strengthening of treaty relations between interested countries to address liability and compensation for nuclear damage;
  • to collect, analyse and disseminate information on nuclear law generally and on topical nuclear law issues.

For more information on NEA activity on nuclear law, please consult the Office of Legal Counsel programme of work.

Contracting Parties to the Paris Convention (CPPC)


Last updated: 26 November 2019


Nuclear Law BulletinNuclear Law Bulletin cover Current issue, No. 102

Legal Frameworks for
Long-Term Operation of
Nuclear Power Reactors
Legal Frameworks
for Long-Term
Operation of Nuclear
Power Reactors

Japan's Compensation System for Nuclear Damage (2012)

International Nuclear Law: History, Evolution and Outlook (2010)

International Nuclear Law in the Post-Chernobyl Period (2006)
