


Data on Slovenia

A wide range of indicators on agriculture, development, economy, education, energy, environment, finance, government, health, innovation and technology, jobs and society.


Development Strategy to 2030

Slovenia has developed a strategic vision for the country supported by a long-term national development strategy to achieve this vision and meet its commitments to the SDGs. Visit the Slovenia's economic snapshot page to learn more.


  • 1

    Kam se uvršča Slovenija?

    OECD360 je revija, v kateri so zbrane najnovejše analize in podatki iz ključnih publikacij OECD. Pereča vprašanja spremljajo grafični prikazi.

  • 2

    Slovenia's accession to the OECD

    On 21 July 2010, Slovenia deposited its instrument of accession to the OECD Convention, thereby becoming a member of the Organisation. Slovenia was invited by OECD countries to open negotiations for membership in May 2007. On 10 May 2010, OECD countries ...

  • 3

    Slovenia and the OECD

    This document sets out when Slovenia joined the OECD, what its permanent delegation does, and the benefits of OECD membership.