

  • 21-January-2019


    Aid at a glance charts

    These ready-made tables and charts provide for snapshot of aid (Official Development Assistance) for all DAC Members as well as recipient countries and territories. Summary reports by regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania) and the world are also available.

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  • 3-August-2018


    Competition Law and Policy in Latin America

    Access reviews on competition law and policy in Latin American countries conducted by the IDB and the OECD. Countries covered are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and Peru.

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  • 18-December-2017


    Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas (SICREMI)

    SICREMI is an initiative of the Organization of American States (OAS) that aims to contribute to the promotion and development of public policies that lead to improved migration management in the Americas through the facilitation of dialogue, cooperation, institutional strengthening and access to information.

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  • 2-December-2016


    Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2017 – Country notes

    These country notes contain indicators which compare the political and institutional frameworks of national governments as well as revenues and expenditures, employment, and compensation.

  • 20-January-2014


    Latin America: Tax revenues continue to rise, but are low and varied among countries, according to new OECD-ECLAC-CIAT report

    Tax revenues in Latin American countries continue to rise but are lower as a proportion of their national incomes than in most OECD countries. Revenue Statistics in Latin America 2012 shows that Argentina and Brazil have the highest tax revenue to GDP ratio, while Guatemala and Dominican Republic stand at the lower end.

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  • 18-October-2013


    Latin American Economic Outlook 2014

    The global scenario is less benign for the region due to a downturn in global trade, a decline in commodity prices and increased uncertainty surrounding external financing, says the new Latin American Economic Outlook.

  • 18-October-2013


    Innovation, diversification and better logistics key to sustainable and inclusive growth, says latest Latin American Economic Outlook

    After a decade of relatively strong growth, Latin America is facing headwinds associated with declining trade, a moderation in commodity prices and increasing uncertainty over external financial conditions, according to the latest Latin American Economic Outlook jointly produced by the OECD Development Centre, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC) and CAF - Development Bank of Latin America.

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  • 12-August-2013


    Honduras - Competition Law and Policy

    This page contains information on the work of the OECD and Honduras in the area of Competition Law and Policy.

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  • 25-July-2013


    Follow-up to the Nine Peer Reviews of Competition Law and Policy of Latin American Countries - 2012

    This publication assesses the impact of previous competition law and policy reviews in nine Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and Peru. This report was discussed during the 2012 annual meeting of the OECD-IDB Latin American Competition Forum held in the Dominican Republic.

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  • 15-July-2013


    International Summer School for cooperation and local development (Trento, Italy) - 2013 edition

    The School is organising specialised courses on socio-economic development and creating an international platform to exchange experiences and knowledge between public officers and practitioners from OECD member and non member countries that deals with cooperation and local development issues.

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