Radioactive waste management and decommissioning


In the areas of radioactive waste management and nuclear decommissioning including nuclear legacy management,  the goal of the NEA is to:

  • assist member countries in the development of safe, sustainable and societally acceptable strategies for the management of all types of radioactive waste including spent fuel considered as radioactive waste, decommissioning of nuclear facilities and management of legacy sites, facilities and waste;
  • provide governments and other relevant stakeholders with authoritative, reliable information on the political, strategic and regulatory aspects of the development of national programmes in these areas.

The Division of Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning (RWMD) supports the following NEA standing technical committees and working parties:

In addition, the RWMD provides secretariat support to the National Advisory Bodies to Government (ABG) created in 2006 which provides a platform for the chairs of advisory bodies to exchange their independent scrutiny and advice to governments and stay abreast of the latest policies and approaches used for the management of all types of radioactive waste.

Peer review and expert feedback

The RWMD supports the RWMC and the CDLM in conducting international peer review and expert feedback to ensure the best practices in the regulatory and technical methodologies are adopted in the radioactive waste management, decommissioning and legacy management.

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Radioactive waste management, decommissioning and legacy programmes in NEA member countries

National profiles and reports


Last updated: 13 May 2019


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