
Russian Federation


Data on the Russian Federation

A wide range of indicators on agriculture, development, economy, education, energy, environment, finance, government, health, innovation and technology, jobs and society.


Economic Survey of the Russian Federation 2014

High pre-crisis growth was based on rising prices oil prices and is no longer sustainable. Structural reforms to improve the business climate are keys to raising growth, while transport infrastructure, skills and innovation need also be improved.


  • 1

    Russian Federation to join the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

    Welcoming the accession of Russia - a major nuclear power - to the NEA, Angel Gurría said that this signature also provides a strong political signal in the direction of the future OECD membership.

  • 2

    Russia joins the Anti-Bribery Convention

    This page contains all information relating to implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in Russia.

  • 4

    The Russian Federation and the OECD

    The OECD has been co-operating with the Russian Federation since 1992; in 1996, Russia made an official request for OECD membership. In 1997, OECD countries formally acknowledged that the accession of the Russian Federation as a full member of the OECD is ...