


Data on Chile

A wide range of indicators on agriculture, development, economy, education, energy, environment, finance, government, health, innovation and technology, jobs and society.


Economic Survey of Chile 2018

A favourable growth outlook offers Chile an opportunity to address its low productivity levels compared to other advanced economies, improve access to quality jobs and take steps to reduce its persistently high inequality.


  • 1

    ¿En qué situación está Chile comparativamente?

    OCDE360 te ofrece los últimos análisis y datos de las principales publicaciones de la OCDE, junto con una serie de gráficos que ilustran temas de actualidad.

  • 2

    Chile and the OECD

    This document sets out when Chile joined the OECD, what its permanent delegation does, and the benefits of OECD membership.

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    OECD Mexico Centre

    The OECD Mexico Centre serves as regional contact in Latin America for the full range of OECD activities, from the sales of publications, to inquiries from the media, to liaison with governments, parliaments, business, labour and civil society.