How worrying is the outlook for the global economy?

The OECD expects world economic growth to fall to 2.9% this year- its weakest annual rate since the financial crisis.

Finnish architecture and design: A natural fit

Finland has a reputation among designers, architects and artists for being a land, a nation, a culture that produces high-quality ...

Sustainable investment: A new landscape

In today’s changing global landscape, investors are increasingly seeking exposure to sustainable strategies. Examples of these include ESG funds and green bonds.

AI and Europe’s medium-sized firms: How to overcome an Achilles heel

Artificial intelligence could become very real in the world of business. But funding needs to be corrected first for medium-sized ...

The platform economy can deliver for its workers too

Have you ever used your smartphone to hail a taxi? Order in lunch? Or to find the help you need, whether from a cleaner or a childminder? If you have, then like ...

Middling through

Every generation since the baby boom has seen its middle class shrink and the economic influence of that class weaken. Should we care? Yes, according to Under ...

How policy can make a world of difference for small and medium-sized enterprises

Did you know that nearly all businesses in OECD countries are in fact small and medium-sized enterprises? Not only do these SMEs represent 99% of the number of ...

Johnson & Johnson: Leading innovations for better health care

The OECD Health Ministerial Conference and ...

How responsible is H & M’s supply chain?

When an 8-storey building in Rana Plaza in Bangladesh crumbled in 2013, over a thousand ...

What are the OECD Principles on AI?

Artificial intelligence is still in its early days and policymakers are still finding their feet. To what extent can they, and should they, encourage this powerful ...

Linking Indigenous Communities with Regional Development

We are pleased to have provided leadership and guidance on this report–the first-ever global study of its kind on Indigenous economies and regional development.

The cost of injustice

£3.5 billion. That’s the amount of money–nearly US$4.5 billion–the UK economy is estimated to lose every year due to unresolved legal issues and ongoing dispu ...

Sustainable investment: A new landscape

In today’s changing global landscape, investors are increasingly seeking exposure to sustainable strategies. Examples of these include ESG funds and green bonds.

New signposts for green finance

Every year, Al Gore’s 2006 film “An inconvenient truth”, resonates more loudly. Faced with the growing environmental and climate crisis, the world of fina ...

Cool generation

Climate change appears to be gathering pace, with the four years since 2015 being the hottest on record. Of course, 2015 was also ...

New signposts for green finance

Every year, Al Gore’s 2006 film “An inconvenient truth”, resonates more loudly. Faced with the growing environmental and climate crisis, the world of fina ...

Data vs deforestation: A breakthrough in supply-chain transparency

We are eating our way through tropical forests. Whether it’s a cappuccino for breakfast, a burger for lunch or a chocolate bar a ...

Digital planet: How smart technologies can help us solve our climate and infrastructure challenges

Back in the 1960s, when my dad wanted to make an international call for work, he had to order it 24 hours in advance. Today, he uses ...

Beyond humanitarian aid: Connecting the dots with development

Drought, floods, earthquakes, conflict, climate change: these are just some of the areas which humanitarian assistance is traditionally called on to address. ...

Sweden's development lead

Since 2006, Sweden has delivered 1% of its gross national income (GNI) as official development assistance (ODA). In 2017, Sweden was the highest contributor in ...

Empowering women beyond Finland

From introducing equal inheritance rights in 1878, Finland continues to earn it's reputation as a global pioneer of gender equality.

The platform economy can deliver for its workers too

Have you ever used your smartphone to hail a taxi? Order in lunch? Or to find the help you need, whether from a cleaner or a childminder? If you have, then like ...

How to shore up public finances against the unexpected

Natural hazards can lead to costly disasters, which is why public authorities must work hard to reduce risks and to be prepared financially. What can governments ...

Watching your basic behaviour

Forgetting to file your taxes on time. Not cleaning up after your dog when it leaves a mess on a public street. Driving above the speed limit. Why do we behave ...

Talent attractiveness

Talented and skilled individuals have a key role to play in a country’s future prosperity. They hold jobs that are key for innovation and technological progress ...

Sweden's development lead

Since 2006, Sweden has delivered 1% of its gross national income (GNI) as official development assistance (ODA). In 2017, Sweden was the highest contributor in ...

Job automation



Economic data

GDP growth: +0.5% Q2 2019 year-on-year
Consumer price inflation: 1.6% September 2019 annual
Trade: -1.9% exp, -0.9% imp, Q2 2019
Unemployment: 5.2% September 2019
Last update: 18 November 2019

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