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International Organization for Transportation by Rope (O.I.T.A.F.)

O.I.T.A.F., the International Organization for Transportation by Rope (Organizzazione Internationale Trasporti a Fune), was established in 1959, in Milan, Italy. At the moment, thirty countries are members of the organization.

The goals of O.I.T.A.F. are:

- promotion of development and improvement of the ropeway business;

- promotion of studies and experiments which support development and improvement of the ropeway business;

- promotion of standartization of the national norms in the field of ropeway transportation;

- elaboration of standardized international guidelines for projection, construction, operation, maintenance and control of ropeways as well as setting up corresponding recommendations; and

- realization of international congresses for transportation by rope (every 6 years).

O.I.T.A.F. is headed by the President. The managing bodies are the Congress, the Steering Committee and the Executive Committee.

In April 2015, the Steering Committee approved the membership pf Rostechnadzor in O.I.T.A.F.

This membership will allow Rostechnadzor to study the current methods of incident risk assessment in hazardous production facilities where ropeways are employed and also the approaches to ropeway safety regulation when modifying the existing law of the Russian Federation.

Rostechnadzor is planning to take part in topical Committee IV whose tasks includes development of recommendations and regulatory documents on the issues of safe operation of ropeways and tow lifts.

Also, Rostechnadzor staff members will attend O.I.T.A.F. workshops and congresses on operation of ropeways and supervision of safety requirements compliance.