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What are Promoted Trends?

A Promoted Trend is a 24-hour high-impact takeover of the Trends list on Twitter — where people go to see what’s happening in real-time.

Use Promoted Trends to launch something new or connect to what’s happening.


Promoted Trends display at either the first or second slots of the "Trends for you" section in your timeline and "Explore" tab. 

Users who click on a Promoted Trend see Twitter search results for that topic, with a related Promoted Tweet from the advertiser at the top. Tweets on search result pages for Promoted Trends are unfiltered, open, and authentic. (Tweets which violate Twitter’s spam and abuse policy are filtered out as usual).


Promoted Trends are visible to all users on Twitter while they are being promoted. Check your timeline and your "Explore" tab’s "Trends for you" list to see them.


Promoted Trends act similar to any other trending topic, and users are able to interact and engage with them in the exact same way. The only difference is that a Promoted Trend is purchased by an advertiser, and is clearly marked as being "Promoted".

Please note that all Promoted Trends must follow our Promoted Trends guidelines.

For more information on organic (non-Promoted) trends, please see here.

FAQs on Promoted Trends

  • What happens when I click on a Promoted Trend?
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    Users who click on a Promoted Trend see Twitter search results for that topic, with a related Promoted Tweet from the advertiser at the top. Tweets on search result pages for Promoted Trends are unfiltered, open, and authentic. Tweets that violate Twitter’s spam and abuse policy are filtered out as usual.

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  • How do I purchase a Promoted Trend?
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    Please reach out to your Twitter Account Manager.

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Learn more about Promoted Trends