WordCamp for Publishers


WordCamp for Publishers is a community-organized event bringing together folks who use WordPress to manage publications, big or small.

Uniuse en abril de 2017


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  1. 4 de xuño
  2. 4 de xuño
  3. 4 de xuño
  4. 2 de xuño
  5. 2 de xuño

    Kevin Fodness : Beyond the Metabox - How Gutenberg Can Bring the Editorial Experience to Life

  6. 5 de xuño
  7. 5 de xuño
  8. 5 de xuño

    Andrew Cafourek , Jay Cullis: Lightning Talks – Creating Airstream Supply Company, An Editorial Commerce Brand, With Gutenberg and React

  9. 5 de xuño
  10. 5 de xuño
  11. 5 de xuño
  12. 19 de maio

    Thanks to , @Charlie7788, , and for demoing their CMSes and answering questions today for our meetup. We hope the WordPress folks got some important takeaways and ideas. Details on our next meetup soon!

  13. 19 de maio

    Our meetup on "Learning from Different CMS Approaches” is starting now. Only 10 more minutes to register if you don’t want to miss our panel!

  14. 19 de maio

    Our panel titled "Learning from Different CMS Approaches” with , @Charlie7788 and , moderated by starts in ONE HOUR! Last chance to register now:

  15. 18 de maio

    Our panel titled "Learning from Different CMS Approaches” with , @Charlie7788 and is tomorrow at noon ET! We hope you leave with a broadened perspective on content creation needs and workflows. Don’t forget to register:

  16. 18 de maio

    Don’t forget our next meetup is tomorrow at noon ET! We have one more panelist to announce: , Director of Product, Condé Nast. Register now and don’t miss our discussion of how other CMSes approach design and user experience!

  17. 15 de maio

    Our goal is to help attendees understand the problems various CMSes are trying to solve, and how they approach their solutions. We hope everyone will leave with a broadened perspective on content creation needs and workflows. Our panel starts promptly at 12:10 PM ET!

    Amosar este fío
  18. 15 de maio

    We’re excited to announce our next meetup panel will feature @Charlie7788 of and of discussing their respective CMSes, moderated by . One more panelist to be announced soon! Register now!

    Amosar este fío
  19. 12 de maio

    For our next meetup, we'll be inviting presenters from non-WordPress CMSes to expand our horizons a bit and look at how other content management systems approach design and experience. Register here today: 

  20. 11 de maio

    Our next meetup is next Tuesday 5/19 at noon ET and is titled "Learning from Different CMS Approaches”. Our agenda will be announced soon. We’re trying to rotate our time moving forward to open up the meetup to more time zones! Register here now:


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