About MainWP

MainWP is a WordPress management suite developed to be the most effective, self-hosted WordPress central dashboard.

From the MainWP dashboard a user can control virtually all aspects of WordPress management including updating all of their sites with just one click of a button, schedule automated backups, monitor their sites, manage content across their network and much more.

Saving time is one of the things we pride ourselves on, and with MainWP, you can be sure that the time you save will add up. With MainWP you will have more free time available to focus on your business and your customers instead of updates and maintenance.

MainWP is a tool on which you can rely on!

About Company

MainWP is small WordPress development team based out of Florida but with Coders and Designers around the globe. The team strives to develop ways to simplify WordPress Management tasks for marketers, companies and bloggers.

Screenshots and Company Graphics

MainWP Logo
MainWP Logo
MainWP Heroes
MainWP Heroes
MainWP Homepage Screenshot
MainWP Homepage Screenshot
MainWP Extensions Screenshot
MainWP Extensions Screenshot
MainWP Color Palette
MainWP Color Palette

Download our Press Kit

The press kit includes:

  • MainWP Overview
  • Initial Press Release
  • MainWP Logos
  • Plugin Screenshots
  • Website Screenshots
  • Brand Color Chart

Download the MainWP Press Kit here!

Press Kit Usage Guidelines

  • Don’t use our brand material in a way that implies a relationship, affiliation or endorsement by MainWP of your product.
  • Don’t alter our brand material in any way or combine them with any other graphics without consent from MainWP.
  • Don’t copy our graphics in your own product, business or service’s name.

Press Contact

For any additional information about MainWP, do not hesitate to contact us through Support Portal or emailing us directly on [email protected]