What we do

We are a national network of civil society organizations that work to protect and expand civil rights and freedoms guaranteed to all by the Italian Constitution as well as international conventions and treaties.

To this end we are running public campaigns for policy change, lobbying governments and international bodies and taking cases to court.

Asylum & international protection

We work to create an informed and fact-based debate and to affirm the dignity and rights of refugees and migrants through projects such as Open Migration.


We focus on the inclusion of migrants and on the improvement of their conditions. We demand the approval of a new citizenship law and better access to healthcare services.

Equality and anti-discrimination

We want to overcome discrimination, exclusion and violence and support people who are discriminated against with public education, outreach and cultural initiatives.


We want the Italian government to decriminalize the use of drugs. Our platform for drug policy reform supports a non-ideological debate by offering information and analyses on drugs consumption and legal cases.

Civil liberties in the digital age

We defend freedom of expression and the right to privacy, and fight against mass surveillance. We ask for accountability on the export of technologies that might be used to violate human rights.

National security

We aim to raise awareness and ignite a public debate while calling on Italy to comply with international law and human rights standards in counter-terrorism operations.

Recent posts

Salvini decree. The text of our speech at the Senate

In these days the Houses of the Parliament are debating the draft-law no. 840, signing into law decree-law no. 113/2018…

Initiatives and Events

‘Ero straniero. L’umanità che fa bene.’ There could not be a more fitting, emotional, rational, secular, spiritual, profound, rich, evocative title for a campaign that ...
Next September 25, we aim to raise awareness and ignite a public debate on international law and human rights standards in counter-terrorism operations a in a conference ...
Next September 12th, we will take Open Migration to Re:publica Thessaloniki, for one of the biggest digital society conferences in Europe, in its first Greek edition (the ...
International law permits the use of lethal force in very restricted circumstances. But, considering the information available to the public, drone strikes conducted by the ...
An unprecedented attack on solidarity at sea is currently unfolding. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) carrying out rescue operations in the dangerous sea area between Sicily and Libya have ...
The 31st Festival Mix of the Gay, Lesbian and Queer culture cinema ended last Sunday. For four days, it gathered thousands of people in the ...
In 2015, almost 1 million people in Italy were arrested or held in custody by the police. A rather impressive number of individuals was subjected ...
As you are reading this sentence, 163 journalists are kept in Turkish prisons being unable to report about Erdoğan’s post-referendum crackdown. And while you will ...
CILD has officially joined the Civic Solidarity Platform, a network of human rights organisations working in the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) ...
No to the Muslim Ban: after the executive order of President Trump that blocked access to refugees and Muslims in the US, we are calling ...

and Campaigns

Understanding through data, advocating for dignity

Smart information for a global drug policy reform

We need your help to expose abuses and protect the rights of everyone:
support our work through a donation!

Legal action

Combining strategic advocacy with strategic litigation


Have you witnessed a violation of human rights? You can tell us - safely!

Take action

We need your help to build a broader community of people who care about the rights of everyone.

Take a stand for what you believe in!