Alex SteffenVerifizierter Account


I work on the future: Writer, speaker, strategic advisor, dad. Planetary sustainability, worldchanging solutions, creative foresight. I block nonsense/rudeness.

San Francisco
Beigetreten März 2008


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    7. Mai

    A few quick thoughts about the media and the planetary crisis, and why we're in this clusterf*** in the first place. (thread)

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    "The planet's on fucking fire and we need to grow the fuck up" is a fine, concise summary of our situation.

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  3. hat retweetet
    vor 17 Stunden

    The president doesn’t understand how electricity works.

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    They're still doing it, still lying about doing it, have broken whole governments in order to keep doing it—and until we face those facts, they're going to go on doing it. Predatory delay is why we have a climate emergency.

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    Found some notes for a story on the ecological crisis as an intergenerational injustice that I (unsuccessfully) pitched around in 2002. It just occurred to me that most of today's school strikers weren't even born then. We've raised an entire generation underneath our failures.

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  6. They're still doing it, still lying about doing it, have broken whole governments in order to keep doing it—and until we face those facts, they're going to go on doing it. Predatory delay is why we have a climate emergency.

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  7. Found some notes for a story on the ecological crisis as an intergenerational injustice that I (unsuccessfully) pitched around in 2002. It just occurred to me that most of today's school strikers weren't even born then. We've raised an entire generation underneath our failures.

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  8. hat retweetet
    14. Mai

    Fox News is a hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists—it’s designed to turn us against each other, risking life and death consequences, to provide cover for the corruption that’s rotting our government and hollowing out our middle class.

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  9. hat retweetet

    Excellent thread on the media’s failure to adequately tell the story of catastrophic climate change.

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  10. "The planet's on fucking fire and we need to grow the fuck up" is a fine, concise summary of our situation.

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  11. hat retweetet
    14. Mai

    I will soon see an ice age scale >100ppm CO₂ increase within my life. My life in CO₂ Birthday: 326 ppm High school graduation: 356 ppm College grad: 365 ppm Marriage: 366 ppm PhD: 375 ppm 1st child: 376 ppm Postdoc: 380 ppm 2nd child: 381 ppm Tenured: 397 ppm Today: 415 ppm

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  12. hat retweetet
    7. Mai

    9. The storytellers most trained to find interesting narratives in fields like finance, law, national security, health care (and so on) aren't trained to see the extent to which the planetary crisis is now a—if not the—driving realities in the fields they cover.

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  13. hat retweetet
    7. Mai

    5. No one who gets the gravity of our situation thinks that a large enough share of the stories we tell are stories that address the crisis we're living in. The planetary crisis is the reality defining this era for all humanity. Stories about it are still relatively infrequent.

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  14. hat retweetet
    4. Mai

    "Fund managers are evaluating how climate change will affect the long-term value of companies that sell products ranging from tractors to fertilizer..." “If you think the next 10 years will look like the last 10 years you are in a for a rude awakening"

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  15. Reminder: carbon prices that start low and rise only slowly (and are implemented after long study, court challenges, grace periods, industry exemptions etc.) are so marginal they're effectively delay tactics. Locking in a low, slow carbon price would be a big Carbon Lobby win.

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    Again, these losses seem insanely underestimated to me: "Delays in tackling climate change could cost companies about $1.2 trillion worldwide during the next 15 years." I doubt that number's even in the right order of magnitude.

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  17. No carbon tax that involves trading away regulatory solutions and/or corporate liability for climate damages is a smart political move now. Better no carbon tax at all.

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  18. hat retweetet
    10. Okt. 2018

    Our options, a recap: Disruptive climate action now, then decades of responding to climate impacts and instability. A decade of predatory delay, then disruptive action AND climate catastrophe. Greater delay, then emergency climate action in a context of tragic planetary chaos.

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  19. hat retweetet

    "Predictions are hard. Especially about the future", Niels Bohr is reported to have said. Well back in '82 predicted the rise in CO2 & temperature we'd see by 2019 from ongoing fossil fuel burning. They nailed it. Via

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  20. "Burning book pages aren’t supposed to rain from the sky. But for some kids growing up in the age of climate change, it’s become a familiar sight." What a lede from ...

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  21. hat retweetet
    9. Mai

    After years when inaction was top goal, now it wants us to believe it’s sincere that "inaction is not an option." Born at night but not last night.

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