
HomeAdvisor is the #1 home improvement app for connecting homeowners with home service contractors. Find the best local contractors from our network, featuring hundreds of thousands of customer-rated pros specializing in more than 500 home renovation, repair and maintenance projects.

Schedule your next appointment with the HomeAdvisor app - the fastest and easiest way to find top contractors. Whether you need help with home remodeling, home improvement, home repair, roofing, maintenance, or anything else around the house, we can connect you with the pro you need.

HomeAdvisor’s free home improvement app lets you discover and compare contractors, read reviews from real customers, view pricing, and schedule their appointments. Schedule home improvement appointments quickly with our instant booking option, so you can book the best local contractors without having to play phone tag.

Remodeling and renovation projects are now easier than ever when you find and book a contractor through HomeAdvisor. From landscape design to pest control to home renovation, HomeAdvisor can find you the professional for the job.

Download HomeAdvisor for free today and find contractors for your home improvement and repair projects anytime, anywhere.

HomeAdvisor Features:

- Discover home improvement professionals and compare their ratings and reviews
- Search HomeAdvisor’s extensive network of contractors for any home renovation need
- Book contractors and set up appointments instantly with local, available pros
- View contractor ratings and reviews from real customers

- Compare home services costs for hundreds of home projects with True Cost Guide
- Track contractors and home improvement projects

Find and hire contractors for home remodel, repair and improvement projects, including:
- Remodeling & Additions (Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels)
- Roofing
- House painting
- House Cleaning & Maid Services
- Windows
- Tree Services
- Renovation
- Concrete
- Handyman Services
- Electrician
- Heating & Furnace Systems
- Pest Control
- Decks
- Foundations
- Plumbing professional
- Lawn care & maintenance
- Landscaping
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- Garage Doors
- Siding
- Tile
- Fences

Find home remodeling, improvement & repair contractors with HomeAdvisor – the fastest and easiest way to schedule the professionals and services you need. Download now and start your next home project!

What’s New

Version 9.2

We've expanded our network of top-rated pros and have provided additional rating and review information to our consumers so they can hire with more confidence than ever before. In addition, we've added updates to increase the speed, reliability and security of our app.

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Ratings and Reviews

4.5 out of 5
13.8K Ratings
13.8K Ratings
LesHug1 ,

Service was good, price was absurd

I was told I would receive a call 20 minutes before the technician would arrive. I received the call, and about 15 minutes later received another call stating the technician would be late because he had to go back to the residence where he was working before to pick up some items he left behind. I believe this is their way of promising an exact on time schedule and changing it. I received another call about an hour later stating the technician was on his way. This was the evening before Thanksgiving and we had no water and no plumbing supply stores were open. We had to have water or I would never have allowed this. The plumber showed up with a part that costs between $35 to $50, depending on where it is purchased, and I was charged $484 to replace it. It took about 20 minutes and that is only because he was a talker. I could have replaced the part myself in 5-10 minutes at the most. I already had the valve to the faucet taken off when he arrived and knew the part I needed.
You might think that it was worth the cost because of the holiday but the plumber told me he didn’t mind working on the holiday because his religion didn’t allow him to celebrate it. By the way, the cost would have been the same whether it was a holiday or not.
He was kind, efficient, and completed the job responsibly but I did have to give him suggestions on how to remove the part.
This service is efficient and timely to say the least. It is simply absurdly expensive.

Developer Response ,

We're sorry to hear about your experience with this pro, you can submit a review for them here: If you would like to speak with a rep, please call Customer Solutions at 866-786-8474 or send info to [email protected]. -HASupport

A Dreamer Dreams ,


I’m currently living in (hell) so I can afford my beautiful daughters college. I’m not 20 anymore, but going from 3,600’ home to 700 has been more than tough. It’s a back house built in 1909😢 with redwood framing that was 3x2s. So I put 2x 4 flat for depth. Now I insulated it, roof to( that is FLAT. Rain came the foundation well, after I cried for several hours, I cried a bit more. Mind you I’m a girl, then it happened I fell and it hurt, but I found myself laughing, laying there realizing that no one would ever know I was floored😂 a few days pass. I realize I have some real pain. Well two new fractures, the best part the CT said “lady if you don’t remove your breast you will be dead in 24 months. I replied, Bite me, I’ve work to do.
I must learn how to do this work on my own. Trust me if I weren’t sick and had extra cash, I would still want to learn. You make it look so easy.
Yet, while in the hospital some mean person stole my miter saws BOTH of them.
Before I leave this planet, I want to make a house for Bees. Why, I’ve no clue I just have always wanted to. I want to just finish at least one thing before I pass. I always wanted to build, fix ugly. Will I finish this? I need the peace of knowing I completed at least a home for the bees.
Good night

Duncan8240 ,

Subpar Contractors

I have used this app twice and have had some very unprofessional people come by to try and do the job. I had a stair guy tell me he couldn’t get into the building and after waiting 30 mins for him and calling him I walked around the building to find his vehicle and him nowhere. After waiting another 30 minutes I left and went about my day. He called me later to tell me I didn’t show up for the appointment and when I told him I saw his truck he said he locked his keys and phone in the truck and couldn’t respond to my calls. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The most recent plumber came within 30 mins of posting the job and while fixing the problem left to go to his truck and thankfully I was aware that when he disconnected the house from the dishwasher he failed to shut the water off and the kitchen started flooding. After he tried to blame my wife for not turning the dishwasher off I told him to just finish the job of which he charged me $400 for 1 hours worth of work and wouldn’t provide me with any bill or what exactly I was paying for. As soon as he left the house I cancelled the check and am still waiting for a bill which I will determine if I will pay since I had to clean up the water, clean up after his work, and then dispose of his trash and left behind supplies. Last time trying this.


HomeAdvisor, Inc.
225.1 MB

Requires iOS 10.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Apple TV.



Age Rating
Rated 4+
© 2017 HomeAdvisor Inc.


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