Technology designed for all the ways your employees want to work.

iPhone, iPad, and Mac are the best tools for business. They help employees solve problems in creative ways, be productive wherever they are, and collaborate more effectively. Our powerful hardware and versatile platforms create a unique environment to build custom apps for your company. And you can find hundreds of thousands of apps for business on the App Store.

Our products are built to be the best for business.

Apple software is powerful and intuitive. Our products are secure, reliable, compatible with any office environment, and easy to deploy. And everything we make works together seamlessly, giving you a mobile experience that delivers the information you need when you need it most.

An intuitive, familiar interface.

Apple products are intuitive and easy to use, which means they’re also easy for your business to support. Our interface allows employees to use familiar actions like swiping, scrolling, and tapping to collaborate, stay organized, and adapt to new programs and procedures more quickly. And each iPhone, iPad, and Mac comes with powerful assistive features for vision, hearing, and motor skills, so they’re accessible to everyone.

Powerful hardware. Powerful results.

We don’t just make great software; we make software designed for the most powerful hardware. Built-in sensors in iPhone and iPad enable iOS apps to use data like location and proximity to deliver an intuitive, personalized experience that no other platform can match. And the powerful, Apple-designed processors in every iPad and iPhone are pushing the limits of technologies like augmented reality and machine learning.

Secure by design.

Just as we design our products to be simple, intuitive, and capable, we design them to be secure. iOS and macOS are built on a UNIX foundation, making them both stable and robust. We constantly encrypt information at the system level, at rest and in transit, to protect corporate data. Regular software updates protect iOS and macOS from emerging security threats. Face ID and Touch ID use your face or your fingerprint to unlock your device and authenticate apps. And we have safeguards in place to ensure that both third-party and in-house apps can only access data in authorized ways.

Compatible with your existing systems.

iOS and macOS are built to support the most common productivity and collaboration systems in enterprise today, including Microsoft Office and Google G Suite. Apple products work seamlessly with key infrastructure services like Microsoft Exchange for email and calendars, as well as wireless networks and VPN solutions from Cisco. And when employees switch from another device to Apple, built-in migration from Windows or Android makes moving their data simple.

Streamlined deployment and management.

It’s easy to deploy and manage Apple devices even at the largest scale. Every iPhone, iPad, and Mac can be set up and configured automatically — eliminating the need for your IT department to handle each device individually. IT can also push out apps directly to devices, and employees can personalize company-owned Apple devices by adding their own apps.

iOS Deployment Reference

Mac Deployment Reference

A smart investment.

To ensure longevity of Apple products, we put our hardware to the test in our Reliability Testing Lab using methods that mimic real-world experiences. Programs like AppleCare extend the life of your hardware if anything goes wrong. Built-in security and regular software updates keep our products current, protect them from costly viruses, and lighten the workload for IT. And because people are already familiar with Apple products, employees don’t need as much help from IT to get up to speed, ultimately lowering overall labor costs.

Devices that are
even better together.

All Apple devices are instantly familiar, come with many of the same built-in features and apps, and work together to help you be more efficient. You can start a work project on iPad or iPhone and finish it on Mac. With AirPlay, you can stream presentations from Mac, iPhone, and iPad to an HDTV using Apple TV. And AirDrop lets you send important documents from any Apple device to another.

The best platform for apps.

Whether you’re starting with built-in apps, exploring apps on the App Store, or building your own custom apps, the possibilities are endless. iPhone, iPad, and Mac come with powerful, built-in apps to get you started — from collaborating with your team to creating stunning presentations. And all your favorite apps now work better than ever together. Built-in productivity tools like iWork and the Files app integrate with other powerful solutions like Box, so users can be productive right from the start.

There are thousands of ways to work, and just as many apps.

There are hundreds of thousands of apps on the App Store designed to make your business more powerful, capable, and mobile.

Volume purchasing.

Apple Business Manager makes it easy to buy any app in volume, then distribute it from the App Store to every person in your company. And if employees leave, you can easily reassign their apps to new users.

Custom app purchasing.

You can work with developers to get existing apps customized for your specific business needs. They are distributed to your company privately through Apple Business Manager.

Every business is different. Every app can be, too.

You can create custom iOS and macOS apps for your business using Swift, our open source programming language. Apps that have the power to transform workflows, improve client relationships, and boost your productivity.

Native apps let you get the most out of your devices.

Native apps are built specifically for Apple products using the powerful iOS and macOS SDKs. Depending on what device you’re using, these apps may take advantage of features people love to use, like 3D Touch, Siri, machine learning, and advanced graphics — opening up a whole new world of ways you can work smarter and faster.

Develop with Swift.

Swift is an open source programming language created by Apple that makes writing code simple and intuitive. It gives developers the ability to create powerful apps for your business that run on all Apple platforms. Swift has already taken off in some of the most industry-changing companies, like Lyft and Slack. And developers like IBM are contributing to the open source community to make Swift even more amazing on the server side.