The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months:

  • Jean-Baptiste Favre (jbfavre)
  • Andrius Merkys (merkys)

The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months:

  • Christian Ehrhardt
  • Aniol Marti
  • Utkarsh Gupta
  • Nicolas Schier
  • Stewart Ferguson
  • Hilmar Preusse


Introduction to the new DPL, ask him anything!

On Fri 26 April 2019 with tags dpl debian-meeting
Written by Jonathan Carter

Translations: fr zh-CN

We have a new DPL! On 21 April 2019 Sam Hartman started his term as Debian Project Leader.

Join us on the #debian-meeting channel on the OFTC IRC network on 10 May 2019 at 10:00 UTC for an introduction to our new DPL, and also to have the chance to ask him any questions that you may have.

Your IRC nick needs to be registered in order to join the channel. Refer to the Register your account section on the oftc website for more information on how to register your nick.

We plan to have many more project-wide IRC sessions in the future.

You can always refer to the debian-meeting wiki page for the latest information and up to date schedule.

DPL elections 2019, congratulations Sam Hartman!

On Sun 21 April 2019 with tags dpl
Written by Ana Guerrero López

Translations: fr

The Debian Project Leader elections just finished and the winner is Sam Hartman!

His term as project leader starts immediately today April 21st and expires on April 20th 2020.

Of a total of 1003 developers, 378 developers voted using the Condorcet method. More information about the result is available in the Debian Project Leader Elections 2019 page.

Many thanks to Joerg Jaspert, Jonathan Carter and Martin Michlmayr for running.

And special thanks to Chris Lamb for his service as DPL during these last twenty-four months!

Debian Web Team Sprint 2019

On Tue 16 April 2019 with tags web sprint
Written by Laura Arjona Reina
Artwork by Laura Arjona Reina

The Debian Web team held a sprint for the first time, in Madrid (Spain) from March 15th to March 17th, 2019.

We discussed the status of the Debian website in general, review several important pages/sections and agreed on many things how to improve them.

For the sections we want to reorganise (mainly the homepage and a new section "download" which will group our current "CD" and "distrib" sections) , we have designed this workflow:

  • Create branches in the webwml repo,
  • Agreed on the new or modified content (started already during the sprint), and work on them further after the sprint
  • Review a lot of related open bugs to see if we can address them with the new content (done during the sprint)
  • Create bug reports for the things that cannot be solved quickly to keep them tracked (started during the sprint)
  • We agreed we should get further help from web designers/information architects (pending)
  • Once the English version is more or less settled, call for translations on the branch (pending)
  • If we have English and the main translations ready, merging into the master branch (pending)
  • We will try to have at least the homepage and the download section ready for the Buster release.

We also agreed that the press delegates should decide what new News entry is worth to be posted in the homepage instead of showing the last 6 entries.

For some other pages or areas (e.g. doc/books, misc/merchandise, /users) we found that the content is outdated and the team can not maintain it, we agreed in issuing a call for help (request for adoption) and if we cannot find volunteers for those pages/areas, we'll remove the content or move it to at the end of 2019.

We have agreed that we'll need to reduce the size (number of pages) of the website (*see some numbers about statistics at bottom) so it's more sustainable to keep the whole website up-to-date (content wise), so we'll remove some pages having content already covered in other pages, having content that currently is easy discoverable with a web search engine, can be maintained better in the wiki, etc.

We have talked a bit about certain other aspects like point release workflow, the build time of the website, team memberships and governance. In general the sprint has shown that for most of the discussed topics the migration to git as VCS and the existence of Salsa is a huge step forward for the usability and attractiveness for contributors of the webwml repository.

The core webteam is happy that the sprint has also attracted new people to jump in and which are also members of the webteam now. We welcome Thomas Lange and Carsten Schoenert in our team!

Finally, we have passed time together to socialize and knowing each other better, and got very motivated to continue working on the web.

Group photo of the participants in the Web Team Sprint Left to right: Rhonda D'Vine, Laura Arjona Reina, Thomas Lange, Carsten Schoenert, Steve McIntyre

A more detailed report has been sent to the debian-www mailing list.

The participants would like to thank all donors to the Debian project who helped to cover a large part of our expenses.

If you intend to apply for a DebConf19 bursary and have not yet done so, please proceed as soon as possible!

Bursary applications for DebConf19 will be accepted until April 15th at 23:59 UTC. Applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

You can apply for a bursary when you register for the conference.

Remember that giving a talk or organising an event is considered towards your bursary; if you have a submission to make, submit it even if it is only sketched-out. You will be able to detail it later. DebCamp plans can be entered in the usual Sprints page at the Debian wiki.

Please make sure to double-check your accommodation choices (dates and venue). Details about accommodation arrangements can be found on the accommodation page.

See you in Curitiba!

DebConf19 banner open registration

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